Infographic: Labour Market Stats

The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 15 years and above who live in South Africa. Statistics South Africa released the QLFS Quarter 4:2016 (October – December 2016) on Tuesday, 14 February 2017.

The working age population increased by 1.7% and the unemployment rate increased by 2% to 26.5%, compared to Q4:2015.

Black African women are more vulnerable in the labour market, with larger employment shares in low-skilled occupations. The proportion of black African women employed in low-skilled occupations was around 43% in both Q4: 2015 and Q4: 2016. White women were more likely to be employed in skilled occupations (58,9%), while only 18,5% of black African women were employed in these occupations in Q4: 2016.

The white and Indian/Asian population groups (both men and women) dominate employment in skilled occupations. The majority of black African and coloured men were employed in semi-skilled and low-skilled occupations.

More interesting statistics from the survey:

  • Unemployment rates increased in all provinces except Limpopo (-0.5%)

  • Northern Cape (6.2%), Mpumalanga (5.3%) and the Free State (4.9%) recorded the highest increases in unemployment compared to Q4:2015

  • As a proportion of its working age population, Black Africans (25%) and Coloureds (19%) had the most unemployed people compared to Indian/Asians (9%) and Whites (6%) in December 2016

  • The unemployed among Black Africans increased the most (1.9%), followed by Coloureds (0.9%), Whites (0.7%) and Indian/Asians (0.2%)

See infographic below for more on SA's labour market activities:



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