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Employment and Labour
Analysis of DoL & its entities financial performance: Parliamentary Researcher Unit briefing; Audit outcomes: AGSA briefing
15 Oct 2014
The Committee was briefed by researchers of the Appropriations Committee on the financial performance of Department of Labour and its entities, and by the Auditor General of South Africa on the audit outcomes.
The researchers described Department’s expenditure and variances for the year. Total expenditure had amounted to R2.37bn, which ...
Employment and Labour
Draft Labour Committee programme for third quarter 2014
25 Sep 2014
The Portfolio Committee on Labour met to consider its draft programme for the third quarter of 2014, and to review the executive summary report on its unannounced oversight visits to the Nyanga and Bellville satellite office and labour centre.
Some of the programme amendments turned out to be quite contentious. ...
Employment and Labour
National Minimum Wage: input by Chamber of Mines
19 Sep 2014
The Chamber of Mines, an employer organization representing about 90% of the mining production in South Africa, said that it appreciates the value of the national minimum wage (NMW) as one of a range of mechanisms to address inequality. Nevertheless, a NMW across all industries might not be appropriate as ...
Employment and Labour
National Minimum Wage: Agri-SA submission
17 Sep 2014
Agri-SA, a federation of agricultural organisations, representing a diverse grouping of individual farmers in the country, said in principle it accepted a national minimum wage but emphasised that the sectoral determination needed to be taken into consideration and it should be applied on different levels. The implementation of a national ...
Employment and Labour
National Minimum Wage: UWC, PLAAS and Progressive Professionals Forum
12 Sep 2014
National Minimum Wage submissions were made by the Social Law Project at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) in conjunction with the UWC and the Progressive Professionals Forum (PPF).
The University of Western Cape argued for the introduction of a ...
Employment and Labour
National Minimum Wage: input from South African National Taxi Council & Stellenbosch University
10 Sep 2014
SANTACO presented on the national minimum wage (NMW). The taxi industry is a critical pillar in South Africa’s public sector, transporting more than 70% of passengers per day which is approximately 16.5 million commuters. SANTACO had over 100 000 members, represents 90% of taxi owners and was the major broad ...
Employment and Labour
National Minimum Wage: input by COSATU, NUMSA, SATAWU, Free Market Foundation & National Employers' Association of South Africa
5 Sep 2014
Employer associations and labour unions adopted opposing points of view when the Portfolio Committee on Labour hosted a workshop to discuss the implementation of a national minimum wage.
The Free Market Foundation (FMF) said it stood strongly for political and economic freedom and on how to ensure that the market ...
Employment and Labour
Adoption of Committee Report on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions
31 Jul 2014
The Committee adopted its Committee Report on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions.
Employment and Labour
Department of Labour on International Labour Organisation conventions
30 Jul 2014
The meeting focused on two International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions. These were the ratification of the 1986 instrument on the amendment to the constitution of the ILO, and the recommendations concerning the national floors of social protection.
Members were told the ILO operated on the same basis as the United ...
Employment and Labour
Committee Report on Department of Labour and its entities 2014 Budget
10 Jul 2014
The Portfolio Committee on Labour met to adopt the report of the recommendations made by the Committee on Budget Vote 18: Labour and on the Strategic Plans of the Department of Labour (2014 – 2019) and its Entities.
The Committee was generally satisfied with the plans of the Department of ...