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Sport, Arts and Culture
Petition from Orlando East residents; Gender Transformation in South African Football: Commission for Gender Equality hearing report; Committee Oversight Visit Reports
8 Sep 2015
Mr T W Mhlongo briefed the Committee on a Petition from residents of Orlando East, submitted in terms of Rule 312.
The petition highlighted that:
Sport, Arts and Culture
Committee Oversight Report & Oustanding Matters
1 Sep 2015
The scheduled briefing by Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) on its quarterly performance report and expenditure was cancelled as the Department had travelled to Auckland, New Zealand, where the Commonwealth Games 2022 host nation would be announcement.
The Committee therefore deliberated on its oversight draft report to the Eastern ...
Sport, Arts and Culture
Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act (SASREA) Appeal Board: Interviewing of candidates (day 2)
27 Aug 2015
The Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation met to interviews candidates to fill a vacancy on the Independent Board to hear and decide on Appeals against decisions made in terms of the Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act (SASREA), Act No. 2 of 2010 (SASREA Board).
Sport, Arts and Culture
Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act (SASREA) Appeal Board: Interviewing of candidates (day 1)
26 Aug 2015
The Portfolio Committee on Sport and Recreation met to interviews candidates to fill a vacancy on the Independent Board to hear and decide on Appeals against decisions made in terms of the Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act (SASREA), Act No. 2 of 2010 (SASREA Board).
The following candidates ...
Sport, Arts and Culture
Basketball SA: development programmes; transformation, governance, annual report, National Basketball League
17 Aug 2015
Basketball South Africa (Basketball SA) briefed the Committee on its development programmes, transformation and governance-related issues, its annual report and financial statements, and the National Basketball League.
The organisation said that its biggest challenge was that it could not grow basketball when the provinces, except for Gauteng, had no dedicated ...
Sport, Arts and Culture
National Lotteries Commission sport allocation
11 Aug 2015
The National Lotteries Commission (NLC) said it regarded the differentiation of grants into small, medium and large grants as a milestone in the Lotteries Amendment Act of 2013, as this would allow small organisations to access funding. Over and above that the Act had also provided for differentiation of processing ...
Sport, Arts and Culture
Tennis SA transformation and performance; Committee’s Third Term Programme
23 Jun 2015
The Committee was briefed by Tennis South Africa (TSA) on the status of its transformation, financial performance, governance and development programmes.
The International Tennis Federation (ITF) had just completed a survey, where it had found that more than 444 000 South Africans were playing tennis every week. TSA’s task was ...
Sport, Arts and Culture
Swimming SA status report; 2010 FIFA World Cup allegations: discussion
9 Jun 2015
Finance: Swimming South Africa had been very fortunate leading up to the 2012 Olympic Games as it still had a corporate sponsor together with the grants from the National Lotteries Board (NLB). The challenge with swimming was that investment was not short term as it took eight to ten years ...
Sport, Arts and Culture
Eminent Persons Group (EPG): Progress made with regard to transformation in sport federations
2 Jun 2015
The Eminent Persons Group (EPG) briefed the Committee on progress made with regard to transformation in sport federations. It said the core problem in SA’s sporting system was that there was no coordination or alignment between the different components of the system. If there was no participation opportunity, or skills ...
Sport, Arts and Culture
SASCOC on progress of 2022 Durban Commonwealth Game and delivery plans
26 May 2015
The South African Sports Federation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) briefed the Committee on the current status and planning for the bid for the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Durban, bid status and the plan to deliver the Games. The entity said that delivery of the games would cost R3.3 billion annually, ...