The infrastructure delivery model used by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) involves the contracting of Implementing Agents (including the Coega Development Cooperation, Development Bank of Southern Africa, The Mvula Trust, Independent Development Trust and the National Education Collaboration Trust) to implement projects on behalf of the DBE who subsequently appoint Professional Service Providers and Principal Agents for the design, documentation, contract monitoring and administration of infrastructure projects.
Meetings are held between the DBE and Implementing Agents on a regular basis to report on progress to the Ministry and the Director-General. Meetings are also held between operational teams as part of monitoring of construction progress and risk.
Contracts entered into between the Implementing Agents and Professional Service Providers make provision for the following:
The DBE holds Implementing Agents responsible for delays on any project related to the design, tender and construction of the relevant public school infrastructure projects. Any cost of corrective action is for the account of the relevant Implementing Agent and may be set off against any payment due to such Implementing Agent. It is important that the necessary accountability measures are adhered to and implemented when delays occur, ensuring that corrective actions are taken promptly.
A schedule of delayed projects provided by the DBE is attached as Annexure A hereto with applicable penalties.
Regarding financial management of infrastructure projects undertaken by the DBE, I am advised of the following: