Portfolio Committee on Health
Nzaliseko Hole
National Health Insurance Policy
30 August 2019 10:44 a.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Health,

My humble view is that itention looks noble and outcomes may be beneficial to all, if the NHI was to be given a chance.

We need goodwill to get buyout, otherwise there maybe expensive court action and mass resistance.

Citizen would be more trusting and accepting when they see compliance with legislation, inclusiveness and improvement of competance and integrity in currently existing public institutions and state enterprises.

Presently many Municipalities, Provincial goverment departments, and SOEs are dysfunctional Rand leaking bottomless pits. Shady unqualified corruptly appointed characters are still lingering despite whistle blowing.

The NHI is a Socialist policy. Socialism and corruption don't mix well, they tend to create violent reactions. Corrupt elements are still active and influential in our institutions. Proof is political murders, congestion of Law enforcement agencies, hesitation of whistleblowers and witnesses. In Socialist regimes salaries are reletively low and unions are not wielding so much power like they do in SA.

We have lamentable high unemployment levels, shockingly high debt ratio, unimpressive investor confidence and radical salary increase demands.

Is implementation of NHI more urgent and important than correcting current wrongs?