Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour
Nomusa Khumalo
GEPF Pension redress Payout
3 September 2019 4:49 p.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour,

My name is Ms N Khumalo Iam South African who is deeply fustrated by the GEPF conduct regarding the payout of my late mother Pension Redress -- Past Discrimination Practise( PDP ) PSCBC Resolution of 7 of 1998 and 12 of 2002.

GEPF aknolwledge in writing the claim of my late mother Mrs PM Zwane in 2016/02/12 in the letter they promise to contact me in 4-6 months but the didnt. When you look at the letter they said GEPF is bizzy costing the recognition of service periode for (PDP) and they wil contact me in 4- 6 months but they never did.

Every months since April 2019 I call GEPF toll free to ask for update for this claim they will tell us they are still bizzy with members who are still alive and those who resigned but the claim for deceased members they havent stated attending it and dont know when even next year they dont and dont care by the way they respond..

The question is that our Goverment did budget for all Past Discrimination Practise( PDP ) but GEPF is doing exacltly what the apartheid did discrimination the claim of the deceased members.Orphans and widows of the decesead are not priviledge to get this pension redres

They always tell you if you call the claim is in the process 3 years has past no paout but claim is in the process and dont want to commit themselves I have a proof of the signed letter from GEPF. I wrote this letter to the Highest office on the land Parliamentaries please help us
this is a very painful issue we are poor and desperate for how long we should wait.

Please help me to get this PDP pension payout for my late mother if the Parliament need necessesray documents from GEPF I would gladly submit. Please help me this is unfair descrimination by GEPF

Regards Ms N Khumalo