Portfolio Committee On Transport
Nielan Nagan
25 November 2019 7:43 a.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee On Transport,

Can you draft rule, that makes it compulsory for SOE boards. Provide a copy of all board meetings and resolutions to a safe keeping repository at parliment 7 days after the meeting.

Including all information supplied by whistle blowers for safe keeping.

Copy of a unaudited financial results 6 weeks before due date.

For 6 parliaments you waste time looking for documents which belong to the taxpayers of this country.

Your time is paid for by the citizens. Your inefficiency to hold people to account is woeful. This should be classified as wasteful and fruitless.

You are elected as trustworthy, ethical people and well paid. You have the authority of the state. Yet you achieve very little. SOE and government departments laugh and take you for fools.
Look at your track record 60 billion and going up every year. ARE you aware people die, starve, are raped abused, uneducated by this waste of resources