Constitutional Review Committee
Mokoena Motlalepula Richard
Proposal for a New economical model to resuscitate our economy in this dire economic state
29 January 2020 2:30 p.m.
Dear Constitutional Review Committee,

I am young man black very patriotic of my country. I am asking to be afforded a plartform before the parliament to submit a vital document that will be of assistance to our economy in an urgent manner. I have engineered a newly Economical Model to utilise in empowering our country to avoid this ticking bomb in our country. I theerefore request an Approval to come before the parliament to present it. It is a document that is legally patented and effective to the congruence of our constitution. It is structured with two pillars which the first one is named COLOURLESS ACT 2019 and the other is IMPARTIALITY ACT 2019. These two pillars will produce Wealth and Security for our country and give stability to our economy at large with out discrimination. It is a non-sexist,non racial and it promotes human rights in all aspects of it.

Please help me to present it before the SONA of the President. I am ready and available to save our country in this turmoilic circumstances economically. This model is named Pragmatic Inevitable Program.

My contacts are aas follows 0838717979 / 0681215120

Kind regards