Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Eric Leteane
RE: Intervention Letter
18 November 2020 9:34 a.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development,

Dear Dr Simiphiwe
As concern emerging Farmer
breeding cattle and crop g (maize and sunflower) in Booyskraal, Boons
,North West , It is obvious we share some common grounds in regard to
transparency, accountability, democratic elections and self-determination as
worthy principles for the Cattle Industry. on radical economic
transformation and how it is geared toward which was said Policy Conference
in Naserc Expo Centre 2017 I have talk Namic Officials o our farm
in And he never come with Answers the that provide creative solution on
benefits in term of RMIF levy fund was spent us for Nerpo levy
payer members

. The primary focus of the farm proposed farming project is agricultural
production for income generation. The farm is not utilized to its maximum
capacity. Machinery and implements are extremely old and almost

Target concept on NAMC committee recommends that a
producer-owned body be established by legislation. The body should have the
authority to receive and disperse the research and development, as well as
marketing component, of the cattle transaction levy funds. The
producer-owned body should also be authorised to receive matching government
research and development funds. Reforming the RMIF to achieve these outcomes
should be examined as part of this process.and expected results recommends
that the RMIF Audit Office conduct an audit of the cattle transaction levy
system, tracing the levy from inception and focusing on the revenue from,
and expenditure of, the respective components of the levy.
. What is Namc and Minister of Agricultural plan for creative
solution on NERPO CEO Mr Mahayane on accoutountabity to all the funds he
receive that we members did benefits ?

What are difficulties that obstruct Namc and the Minister of
Agricultural and how breakthrough system to manage accoutoutablity
commodity organisation like Nerpo which is used Members to lobby funds from
RMIF and Government department ,

Kind Regards
Eric Leteane
BB4 booyskraal Boons
North West
Tel +27 083 4162811