Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy
Vainola Makan
Extension of Koeberg and timing of refurbishment of plant risking load shedding
16 January 2022 8:05 p.m.
Dear Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Minerals and Energy

I would like to do a presentation to your committee about the process that are unfolding around the plans to extend Koeberg for another 20 years. As an action group and concerned citizens we have several unanswered questions to oversight bodies such as NNR and parliament since it has come to our attention that plans to implement refurbishment already under way given the mixed signals of Eskom and the Department as to whether extention of the plant has been approved. There is also no clear date for consultation with key stakeholders in civil society, but actions that can lead to ongoing and massive load shedding is important that the public are being informed.

Furthermore, tax payers money will be forked out for these key energy decisions and we are not convinced that all affordable and safe options such as renewables had been considered using scares public resources and whether spending resources on refurbishment for extension of Koeberg is an urgent priority at this time are a wise decision.

We would appreciate it if you could set up hearings to get the views of a broader range of stakeholders who will be affected. Before such hearings, we would like an opportunity next week to table our concerns to you so as to communicate the seriousness of this issue which will bring stakeholders to an amicable solution instead of bouts of ongoing pressure from communities adjacent to Koeberg which will enable a stable climate for rational decision-making and negotiations to be possible.

We look forward to your favourable response

On behalf of Koeberg Alert Alliance and Koeberg Action Group 2022.

Vainola Makan