Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services
Yes to Decriminalization of Sexual Services
30 January 2023 3:44 p.m.
Dear Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services,

In a country where employment rates are so low (almost 40% unemployed, it is essential for South Africans to have reasonable freedom in how we make a fair income. It is our constitutional right.

Selling Sexual services (between consenting alduts) is a valid means of earning a livelyhood. It is as valid as mining, physiotherapy or gym training - all which involves human bodies in different ways. It is as valid as being a caregiver, counselor - they all provide a space space for care and "being".

Sexual services can be a comfort buyer - a space for care and authenticity or expression which they may not have available elsewhere in their lives (for whatever reasons). It is also a valid form of entertainment - and entertainment is something many other industries celebrate.

Instead of spending government resources on restricting adult sexual services - funds could better serve this area by protecting sexual services sellers and buyers alike. And into creating safe and sane environments for the services to be practiced. And instead, to provide platforms that listen and take action when South Africa speaks up against gender
-based violence.

Decriminalization of adult sexual services would be an empowering change that would go a long way into keeping our our countries citizens safer and more free, while celebrates and respects a wider range income generating actives.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing the changes to come.