Why is Gauteng so important?

By Simon Williamson

There's a lot more to this election in Gauteng than the Premier's race.

After we’ve all gone and voted, the Independent Electoral Commission shunts the numbers through a formula to determine who gets how many seats in the next National Assembly, and all the provincial legislatures. It ...

Twenty years of SA democracy: A new fight must begin

By Jay Naidoo

Before we understand why that might be, we need to ask a fundamental question: are our lives better twenty years into democracy?

The answer is a decisive “yes”.

We have made progress in extending basic services such as water, electricity, housing, education and health to millions who ...

Spoilt votes are blunt instrument of democracy

By Steven Friedman

SPOILING your vote is a valid democratic option, but it just doesn’t do enough to make your voice heard. A group of African National Congress (ANC) veterans, who are urging voters to spoil their ballots rather than stay at home, are responding to one of the key ...

Party funding, the illness at the heart of our society

1 APR 2014

Secret funding of political parties poses a serious threat to a strong, independent and democratic society as it enables a tiny minority of influential people and corporations to exercise an electoral influence stronger than a single vote. Secrecy breeds corruption, and it’s making our democracy ...

Launching the People’s Assembly

After months of development, the People’s Assembly went live last week just prior to the 2014 State of the Nation Address. The site draws on eleven (and counting) sources of information to connect people with the work of their representatives.

Here we’ll run through a few of the key features ...

Shrinking the accountability deficit

By Christi van der Westhuizen__

This year South Africans celebrate the 20-year anniversary of our democratic parliament. With national and provincial elections approaching, political parties are finalising the lists of candidates selected to represent South Africans. It is an opportune moment to reflect on the efficacy of public representation ...

Zuma’s speech will need to strike chord with those on the burning streets

By Judith February__

This article first appeared in Eye Witness News and the Cape Times on 13 February 2014

What is the state of our nation? Recently we have seen a dramatic rise in social protest as we stand on the cusp of elections. No fewer than five protests ...

Section 27 Article: Voters should demand the right to know political sugar-daddies

Political party funding: Who pays the Piper? Who calls the tune? by Mark Heywood

In less than four months, in compliance with our Constitution’s injunction that gives “every citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any legislative body established in terms of the Constitution” the Independent ...

Party funding should be transparent

February 11 2014 at 10:45am

By Murray Hunter and Vinayak Bhardwaj

The front-page report in the Sunday Independent that billionaire Natie Kirsh may be the ³mystery donor² behind the failed DA-AgangSA merger has excited much interest in his alleged role as a political donor. Rightfully so.

But this is an ...

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