MP Corner: Khanyisile Litchfield-Tshabalala (EFF)

Economic Freedom Fighters MP, Khanyisile Litchfield-Tshabalala, impressed many with her recent maiden speech in Parliament when she spoke passionately without being note bound. See her in action during the SONA debates here. Prior to joining the EFF and becoming a Member of Parliament, she was the first woman to attain ...

The Parliamentary Calendar: How MPs spend their year

As newly elected Members of Parliament will soon find out, the function of an MP is manifold. Duties range from committee service, policy debating, oversight, and even embarking on international study trips.

People's Assembly has sampled the last five calendar years (2009-2013) of Parliament, and brought you a breakdown of ...

SONA word cloud: Priorities that stood out

People’s Assembly has created two word clouds, one for the 2009-2013 State of the Nation Addresses (SONAs) and another for the most recent SONA, which focused on priorities for President Jacob Zuma’s second term. Word clouds are images that consist of words, in which the size of each word denotes ...

IEC and Media Monitoring Africa weigh in on fair elections

Free and fair elections; we shout it and demand it, but in the end, what does it really mean? People’s Assembly attended a round table hosted by The Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office and the Hans Seidel Foundation, where representatives of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) ...

Young MPs reflect on youth day and issues affecting young people

With youth day on Monday, 16 June 2014, People’s Assembly decided to chat to two of Parliaments youngest MPs, the IFP’s 26-year-old Mkhuleko Hlengwa and 24-year-old Yusuf Cassim from the DA.

When asked what June 16th means to him, Hlengwa replied: “Youth day is still a reminder [about] where we ...

Lapsed bills - How bills escape the “Executioner”

Now that the Fifth Parliament is about to reconvene, what happens to the previous bills that were not finalised before the legislature’s term ended? Do they die? Does Parliament have to start from scratch? Not quite. People’s Assembly is here to give you a run-down on what happens to last ...

Infographic: SONA over the years - Themes, priorities and length of speeches

Only five days to go until President Zuma takes to the podium to read out the annual State of the Nation Address (SONA), where he will open Parliament for the second time this year and report on the status of the nation. As Parliament prepares for this important event, many ...

Youth Day – It’s more than just another public holiday

It’s Youth Month and with Youth Day around the corner, People’s Assembly has decided to give you a breakdown on why this day, 16 June, is so important. We will be providing you with little snippets of information about “Youth” as the weeks go by. So, keep looking out for ...

Parliament’s legislative function: What role does Nedlac play?

The National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) was established through an Act of Parliament in 1994; one of the first Acts of the democratic government. Government entities often consult with Nedlac on issues concerning labour and economic development, so what role do they play in policy development and the ...

State of the Nation Address: When, where and why should I care?

People’s Assembly will be providing you with weekly updates on the State of the Nation Address (SONA), which will be happening shortly. This article will focus on logistical information such as when and where the SONA will take place, but also talks about the importance of it.

President Jacob Zuma’s ...

About Impressions

Not many people know there are fifty committees in Parliament - each assigned to oversee the work of a government department and YOU are welcome to attend. Email us if you would like to sit in on a parliamentary committee meeting. - all you need is an ID or passport to visit Parliament. Contributions about your impressions gladly accepted.

Here are comments from citizens attending parliamentary committee meetings:

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