ANC Constituency Office (103): Midrand


  • Kedibone Pauline Diale Kedibone Pauline Diale
    Constituency Head
    Address: 45 Commissioner street, 29th Floor, Life Building,Johannesburg
    Cell: 066 042 9231
    Fax: 011 315 0457
    Postal Address: P.O Box 7039, Halfway House, 1685
    Voice: 011 315 6581
  • Kaizer Komane
    Constituency Contact
    Address: Suite 12, Midrand City Shopping Centre, 2nd Floor, 185 Old Pretoria Rd, Half Way House, Midrand, 1685
    Cell: 072 866 9222
    Fax: 011 315 0457
    Postal Address: P.O Box 7039, Halfway House, 1685
    Voice: 011 315 6581


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