Mr Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen

Politician Profile Page

Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen

About Andricus Pieter Van der Westhuizen

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Finance (WCPP) Wesgro and Saldanha Bay IDZ Licencing Company 2019/20 Annual Performance Plans; SEDIC update & finalisation
    16 Aug 2019

    The Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone (SBIDZ) licensing company and Wesgro presented their respective 2019/20 Annual Performance Plans to the Committee, after which the Department of Economic Development and Tourism provided an introductory briefing to Members.


    The state-owned SBIDZ was concerned with the entire chain of oil and gas ...

  • Infrastructure (WCPP) DHS Quarter 1 performance
    14 Aug 2019

    The Department of Human Settlement (DoHS) briefed the Committee on its first quarterly report, on innovations that align with provincial policy and on challenges from new programmes from the Department’s strategic plans.

    The Department informed Members that targets in the first quarter were not achieved. It explained that this was ...

  • Local Government, Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (WCPP) Department of Local Government Quarter 1 performance; Organisational restructuring & filling of vacancies
    13 Aug 2019

    The scheduled briefing by the Department of Local Government on its first quarterly performance report for the period April to June 2019 was postponed for a week, after Members complained that the documentation had arrived only on the morning of the meeting, leaving them with inadequate time to study it ...

  • Infrastructure (WCPP) Department of Human Settlements briefing on appointment of Rental Housing Tribunal board members
    7 Aug 2019

    The Department of Human Settlements briefed the Committee on the shortlisting of candidates for members of the Rental Housing Tribunal board. It said the recommendation should be for four members, including the position of chairperson. The Department had scored Mr Lionel Esterhuizen higher than the other candidates for having experience ...

  • Finance (WCPP) Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board vacancies: Provincial Treasury briefing
    6 Aug 2019

    Documents handed out: Provincial Treasury on process leading to shortlisting of candidates to fill vacancies on the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board [not available to the public]

    The Committee was briefed by the Provincial Treasury (PT) on the process leading to the shortlisting of candidates to fill the vacancies on the Western ...

  • Infrastructure (WCPP) Department of Human Settlements on various matters
    31 Jul 2019

    The Western Cape Department of Human Settlements (DHS) briefed the Committee on the composition and function of the Rental Housing Tribunal, and provided details of several Departmental projects that were under way.

    The members who served on the Tribunal were appointed on a three-year basis. Its purpose was to bring ...

  • Local Government, Environmental Affairs & Development Planning (WCPP) Department of Local Government 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan; with MEC
    30 Jul 2019

    The Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Developmental Planning emphasised that financial resources were under huge stress, putting strain on national, provincial and local government. The two provinces under extra stress were the Western Cape and Gauteng due to population growth. The Committee’s oversight role would thus crucially aid ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Internal Audit function, emerging risks and assurance engagements for Provincial Government of Western Cape for 2019/19: Audit Committee
    26 Jul 2019

    The Committee met to be briefed on the roles and responsibilities of the internal and external auditing committees in order to gain an insight into their lines of reporting and levels of independence.

    The Committee was told that the external audit committees were independent entities whose members were recruited from ...

  • Higher Education Higher Education and Training Portfolio Committee Legacy Report
    13 Mar 2019

    The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training considered and adopted the Legacy Report covering its oversight role over the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) during the past five years. It was the final meeting for the Fifth Parliament Committee, and the meeting focused on concluding matters and ...

  • Higher Education Committee Oversight Report
    27 Feb 2019

    The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training discussed the report on its oversight visit to Northern Cape and Free State from 28 January to 01 February 2019 and minutes. The Committee adopted the oversight report and minutes for the 5th of December 2018 and the 13th of February 2019. ...