Mr Bafuze Sicelo Yabo

Politician Profile Page

Bafuze Sicelo Yabo

About Bafuze Sicelo Yabo

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Transport Civil Aviation Amendment Bill: Department response to submissions; Second Term Programme
    10 Mar 2020

    The Department of Transport provided the Committee with its response to the comments and proposals of various stakeholders regarding the Civil Aviation Amendment Bill.

    It responded on the Airlines Association of Southern Africa’s (AASA’s) concern over the definition of ‘air service’ regarding the Air Services Licensing Act, and whether the ...

  • Transport Civil Aviation Amendment Bill: public hearings
    4 Mar 2020

    The Committee held public hearings on the Civil Aviation Amendment Bill, with input from the Airlines Association of Southern Africa (AASA), an academic and aviation economist, and the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA).

    AASA raised four critical concerns. It sought clarification on the interpretation of specific articles in the ...

  • Higher Education UKZN, UWC & UFH on their state of affairs; NSFAS on disbursement of funding and allowances to students at UKZN, UWC and UFH
    3 Mar 2020

    The Committee was briefed by the management and SRC of the UKZN, UFH and UWC on the challenges they encountered that resulted in protest situations. The Committee also met to be briefed by the NSFAS on the disbursement of funds to institutions.

    The Committee heard that student unrest in the ...

  • Basic Education DBE 2019/20 Quarter 3 performance; Impact of SONA; with Deputy Minister
    25 Feb 2020

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) briefed the Committee on the significance of the President’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) and recommended that it consider the impact of the government’s priorities on the South African education sector over the next five years. There had been a lot of continuity ...

  • Higher Education Indigenous Knowledge Systems & IKS legislation overview
    19 Feb 2020

    Documents handed out: Key Aspects of the Indigenous Knowledge Legislation and Implementation Readiness

    The Department of Science and Innovation told the Committee that the Indigenous Knowledge Act was essentially about redress, and bringing indigenous knowledge into the main stream. It was also a transformative Act, because it addressed how indigenous communities ...

  • Higher Education Science and Technology Laws Amendment Bill: adoption; Committee Reports
    3 Dec 2019

    The Science and Technology Laws Amendment Bill [B42B-2018] was adopted as revived from the Fifth Parliament without amendment. The Committee considered and adopted its Committee Reports on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme; SETA Annual Reports; Post-School Education and Training Sector; 4IR Colloquium; ICGEB Convention; and the Science and Technology ...

  • Higher Education Tshwane University of Technology corruption allegations; with Minister
    27 Nov 2019

    The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology engaged with the Tshwane University of Technology on the allegations of corruption, maladministration, nepotism and abuse of power levelled by various university stakeholders at the university.

    It received a detailed response from the university on all the allegations raised, and an ...

  • Higher Education Services SETA & CETA governance and management: follow-up meeting; with Minister
    26 Nov 2019

    Two Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), the Services SETA and the Construction SETA, appeared before the Committee to respond to allegations of corruption and mismanagement within their entities.

    The Services SETA provided explanations dealing with several issues raised by the Auditor-General (AG) arising from the audit of its 2018/19 ...

  • Higher Education University of Fort Hare progress report on challenges; Tshwane University of Technology corruption allegations
    19 Nov 2019

    The Portfolio Committee met to conduct preliminary investigations into allegations of corruption and maladministration at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) and the University of Fort Hare (UFH). The Committee frowned on the failure of the TUT to attend the meeting. The university had pleaded for additional time in order ...

  • Higher Education Technology Innovation Agency & National Student Financial Aid Scheme 2018/19 Annual Reports
    13 Nov 2019

    Annual Reports 2018/2019

    The Committee was briefed by the Technology Information Agency (TIA) and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) on their annual reports for the 2018/19 financial year.

    For the TIA, this was a return visit, as it had been instructed at its previous meeting with the Committee ...