Mr Bafuze Sicelo Yabo

Politician Profile Page

Bafuze Sicelo Yabo

About Bafuze Sicelo Yabo

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Basic Education Inclusive Education: DBE briefing
    5 Sep 2023


    The Committee received a progress report from the Department of Basic Education on the implementation of Inclusive Education.

    The Department reported that since 2001, South Africa has been developing an inclusive education schooling system from a White Paper, which only articulates Policy Aspirations rather than imperatives, thus limiting the ...

  • Higher Education State of governance: focus on UCT, UNISA & Fort Hare
    30 Aug 2023

    Video (Part 1)

    Video (Part 2)

    The Committee met with the University of Cape Town, the University of Fort Hare, and the University of South Africa to receive briefings on a myriad of matters related to governance, administration and other challenges at these institutions.

    The University of Cape Town was ...

  • Basic Education BELA Bill: deliberations; motion of desirability
    17 Aug 2023


    Tracking the BELA Bill

    The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education concluded its deliberations on the Basic Education Law Amendment Bill (BELA).

    Members commenced with their deliberations the previous day; this was after engaging in an extensive public participation process which saw Members travelling to all nine provinces to hold ...

  • Basic Education BELA Bill: deliberations; with Deputy Minister
    16 Aug 2023


    Tracking the BELA Bill

    The Parliamentary Legal Advisor advised the Committee on the process for making amendments to sections of the South African Schools Act (SASA) that were not included in the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill such as to sections 16 and 16A dealing with functions and responsibilities ...

  • Basic Education BELA Bill: national hearings report; financial implications; deliberations
    15 Aug 2023


    Tracking the BELA Bill

    The Committee met to consider and adopt its draft Report on the National Public Hearings on the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill. The DA and ACDP requested the inclusion of briefings on the constitutional muster of the BELA Bill by Parliament's Constitutional and Legal ...

  • Basic Education BELA Bill: National Public Hearings Report; with Deputy Minister
    8 Aug 2023


    The Committee proposed that the consideration and adoption of the National Public Hearings Report on the Basic Education Law Amendment (BELA) Bill be postponed as the Committee had received the report late. Other Committee members suggested that the report be presented and clarity-seeking questions. Then consideration and adoption of ...

  • Basic Education BELA Bill: Northern & Eastern Cape Public Hearings Reports
    1 Aug 2023


    In a virtual meeting, the Committee considered and adopted the two Provincial Public Hearings Reports on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (BELA Bill).

    In the Northern Cape Province, the public participation comments were summarized and presented by the Committee Content Advisor. Held across three municipalities from 2 to ...

  • Basic Education BELA Bill: Provincial Public Hearings Report – Western Cape
    27 Jun 2023


    The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education considered and adopted its report on the Western Cape public hearings on the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill.

    After the July 2023 recess, the Committee Reports on Northern Cape and Eastern Cape public hearings would be considered. Thereafter, the Committee will consider ...

  • Higher Education State of governance in higher education institutions: focus on UCT, UNISA, Fort Hare, UKZN (with Minister present)
    14 Jun 2023

    The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) gave a status report on governance in higher education institutions (HEIs) including a special focus on the University of Cape Town Council (UCT) investigation report into governance and management challenges; University of South Africa (UNISA) implementation of the Ministerial Task Team and ...

  • Basic Education BELA Bill: Provincial Public hearings reports - Limpopo, North West & Free State
    7 Jun 2023


    Tabled Committee Reports

    The Portfolio Committee on Basic Education considered and adopted draft reports on public hearings on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill in three provinces - Limpopo, North West and the Free State. Changes to the Free State and North West reports were proposed before they were ...