Ms Cathrine Matsimbi

Politician Profile Page

Cathrine Matsimbi

About Cathrine Matsimbi

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Economic Development Competition Amendment Bill: deliberations
    19 Sep 2018

    The Committee continued its clause-by-clause deliberations on the Competition Amendment Bill, taking into account the Minister’s responses to matters raised by the Committee as contained in a report from the Economic Development Department. Highlights of the deliberations were as follows:

    Clause 23 seeks to amend section 43B of the Act. ...

  • Economic Development Competition Amendment Bill: deliberations
    18 Sep 2018

    The Committee continued its deliberations on the Competition Amendment Bill [B23-2018] and started the clause-by-clause reading of the bill, in conjunction with, and with reference to, the Minister’s responses to matters raised by the Committee as contained in a report from the Economic Development Department.

    On clause 1, which amended ...

  • Economic Development Competition Amendment Bill B23-2018: Ministry response to submissions
    11 Sep 2018

    The Minister of Economic Development responded to the matters raised during the public hearings on the Competition Amendment Bill. The Bill aims to ensure economic transformation inclusivity by opening the door to small and medium enterprises and black Africans to participate meaningfully in the country’s economic activities thereby enlarging the ...

  • Land Reform and Rural Development Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill: deliberations
    5 Sep 2018

    The Committee continued its deliberations on the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill [B 19 – 2017] and started the clause-by-clause reading of the Bill. Members were reminded of the three-day rule before the second reading of the Bill which was scheduled for Tuesday of the following week.

    On clause ...

  • Land Reform and Rural Development Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill: finalisation
    5 Sep 2018

    Documents handed out: B-list of changes (Members only); Two-page Report on Amendments to Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill [B 19-2017] (Members only)

    The Committee met very briefly to ensure that all amendments decided upon in the morning session had been correctly made in the final copy of the Restitution of ...

  • Economic Development Competition Amendment Bill [B23-2018]: deliberations
    4 Sep 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Economic Development held a sitting after the completion of the public hearings phase on the Competition Amendment Bill. The objective of the meeting was to obtain feelers from Committee Members on their personal experiences and what other suggestions they might proffer.

    Most Members felt that the ...

  • Economic Development Competition Amendment Bill: public hearings day 2
    29 Aug 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Economic Development received briefings from various stakeholders on the second day of public hearings on the Competition Amendment Bill, which had officially been introduced to the National Assembly last month. Its primary objective was to address the structural challenges that were considered by the Minister of ...

  • Economic Development Competition Amendment Bill: public hearings day 1
    28 Aug 2018

    On the first of two days of public hearings, the Committee was briefed by nine entities, including organised business, trade unions, manufacturers, retailers and legal representatives, on their opinions of the proposed amendments to the Competition Act.

    The Law Society of South Africa supported the objectives of the Bill to ...

  • Land Reform and Rural Development Restitution of Land Rights Amendments Bill: Content Advisor briefing & Motion of desirability
    22 Aug 2018

    The Committee received a briefing on the highlights of the public participation processes the Committee embarked on recently in relation to the Restitution of Land Rights Amendments Bill.

    The Content Advisor informed the Committee there was both support and objections to the reopening of lodgements. The latter group felt the ...

  • Economic Development SAB Miller & Anheuser-Busch InBev merger conditions
    13 Jun 2018

    This meeting was convened by the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development so that it could be kept abreast of the developments that had happened since the merger of SABMiller and AB InBev. There was an agreement between the government and AB InBev in which certain conditions were set and upon ...