Dr Celiwe Qhamkile Madlopha

Politician Profile Page

Celiwe Qhamkile Madlopha

About Celiwe Qhamkile Madlopha

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Delivery of Health Services: National Department of Health; Auditor-General of SA; Provincial Departments of Health: Free State, North West, and Eastern Cape
    22 Mar 2017

    The joint meeting was held to consider the effective coordination and alignment of national and provincial spheres of government in the delivery of health services, so as to ensure value for money, efficient planning and resource allocation. The National Department of Health, the Office of the Auditor General, National Treasury, ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Committee Report on 2017 Division of Revenue Bill
    14 Mar 2017

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations discussed and approved its report on the 2017 Division of Revenue Bill. The Committee went through the report paragraph by paragraph to make amendments where the members saw necessary. This mainly included making grammatical and wording changes because it was understood that this information will ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Division of Revenue Bill [B4-2017]: public hearings
    13 Mar 2017

    Cost of Municipal Basic Services Report by SALGA/FFC Costing of Municipal Services to Inform DORA Allocations

    The South Africa Local Government Association (SALGA) submission on the Division of Revenue Bill dealt with the South African economic status and commented on the Finance and Fiscal Commission (FFC) recommendations. SALGA noted that ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Division of Revenue Bill B4-2017: National Treasury & Financial and Fiscal briefing
    10 Mar 2017

    National Treasury briefed the Joint Committee on the Division of Revenue Bill, 2017. The brief focused on the background to the Bill, overview of the division of revenue for the 2017 Medium Term Expenditure Framework, responses to recommendations on the Bill, changes to clauses of the Bill, provincial allocations and ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Eskom finances: Parliamentary Budget Office research findings
    8 Mar 2017

    The Parliamentary Budget Office presented its research findings on Eskom’s finances. The role of state own enterprises is a critical one in the transformation of the economy therefore a focus on the efficiency and the effectiveness of how these institutions operate is essential.

    It seemed that in the short term ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) Minister of Social Development briefing on CPS contract
    7 Mar 2017

    This was a joint meeting with the Standing Committee on Appropriations and the Portfolio Committee on Social Development in a packed room. The Chairperson noted that it had been hoped to wrap up the matter of the Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) contract the previous Tuesday, following the initial engagement in ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations National Treasury on Quarter 3 Spending Outcome
    1 Mar 2017

    National Treasury briefed Members of the Committee on third quarter expenditure. They explained that the benchmark for government spending was 75 percent and the current budget indicated that government did relatively well by spending 74% across all departments. In total, departments spent R15.6 billion or 2.8 percent less than the ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Budget 2017: Parliamentary Budget Office & Financial and Fiscal Commission briefing
    28 Feb 2017

    A joint sitting of the Standing Committee of Appropriations, Select Committee on Appropriations, Standing Committee on Finance and Select Committee on Finance met to receive briefings from the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) and the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) on the 2017 budget.

    The Budget Office said the 2017 budget ...

  • Finance Standing Committee 2017 Budget: Minister of Finance briefing
    23 Feb 2017

    The Minister of Finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan, and officials from National Treasury, briefed the Committees, sitting jointly, on the 2017 budget. It was reported that 95% of the country’s wealth remains highly concentrated, with the minority having control over the resources. The 2017 budget plays a central role in transforming ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Committee Report on Study Tour to Germany and Sweden
    17 Feb 2017

    The Committee met to adopt the report on the study tour to Sweden and Germany from 28 January to 5 February 2017. The Committee also considered prioritisation of the agencies and institutions to be invited in the process of reporting on the fiscal framework and the division of revenue, the ...