Mr Christoper Fry

Politician Profile Page

Christoper Fry

About Christoper Fry

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Adhoc Committee on Energy Crisis (WCPP) Energy Crisis in South Africa and its effect on the Western Cape: engagement with Eskom
    24 May 2023


    The Ad Hoc Committee on the Energy Crisis (the Committee) in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament (WCPP) convened virtually for a briefing by Eskom on the current status of the energy crisis in South Africa and its effect on the Western Cape province. A briefing by the Minister of ...

  • Social Development (WCPP) Fundraising Amendment Bill: DSD & NCOP delegate briefing
    17 May 2023


    The Western Cape Provincial Parliament’s Standing Committee on Social Development was briefed by the National Department of Social Development (DSD) and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on the Fundraising Amendment Bill.

    The DSD told the Committee that the Bill aimed to rationalise the Fundraising Act of 1978 by ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Division of Revenue Bill: Final Mandate
    2 May 2023


    The Budget Committee met to consider and adopt its Final Mandate on the 2023 Division of Revenue Bill. During the meeting, it was noted that National Treasury met the Committee’s recommendations with the statement, “No recommendations”. Some Members of the Committee were disappointed by their response.

    The Committee maintained ...

  • Adhoc Committee on Energy Crisis (WCPP) Western Cape Energy Strategy & Approach: Office of the Premier briefing
    28 Apr 2023


    The Ad Hoc Committee on the Energy Crisis met with the Premier of the Western Cape and senior officials from his administration to be briefed on the plans to mitigate loadshedding in the province. The provincial government unveiled a multi-year plan to address Eskom's ballooning energy crisis, pledging billions ...

  • Social Development (WCPP) Department of Social Development Foster Care Policy, challenges and funding allocation
    25 Apr 2023


    The Department of Social Development (DSD) briefed the Standing Committee on the status of foster care in the Western Cape.

    The DSD acknowledged that consistent collaboration between relevant role players was vital to reducing the foster care backlog and managing foster care in the province. The amendments to the ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Division of Revenue Amendment Bill: Negotiating Mandate
    24 Apr 2023


    The Budget Committee of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament considered and adopted the Negotiating Mandate Report on the 2023 Division of the Revenue Amendment Bill. The Democratic Alliance did not support the Bill. The ANC and Al Jama-ah expressed a minority view to support the Bill.

    The DA opened ...

  • Health and Wellness (WCPP) Surge of mental health cases and programmes in place to address the mental health challenge in the province
    14 Apr 2023


    The Committee was briefed in a virtual meeting by the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness on the surge in mental health cases and the programmes in place that addressed mental health care in the province.

    The Department reported that although they had already conducted the same presentation ...

  • Premier & Constitutional Matters (WCPP) Readiness for 2024 elections: WC IEC briefing
    12 Apr 2023


    The Committee met with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in a virtual meeting to be briefed on its readiness for the 2024 national and provincial elections.

    The IEC's presentation dealt with the legislation to regulate candidate information. It detailed the outreach that the IEC was involved in, such as ...

  • Social Development (WCPP) Institute for Contemporary Research Africa role & programmes in assisting old age homes in the province
    11 Apr 2023


    The Standing Committee met with the Department of Social Development and the Institute for Contemporary Research Africa (ICRA) on its programmes, and the role of the ICRA in assisting nursing homes struggling to operate in the province.

    The ICRA emphasised that capacity building for caring facilities requires effective, efficient, ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Provincial Treasury Annual Report, underspending & irregular expenditure
    5 Apr 2023


    The Public Accounts Committee convened for a briefing by Western Cape Provincial Treasury representatives on their 2021/22 annual report. It also deliberated on matters concerning the South African Association of Public Accounts Committees (SAAPAC).

    The Committee was concerned about the 202 cases of prior year condonements, reported as irregular ...