Ms Deidré Maudelene Baartman

Politician Profile Page

Deidré Maudelene Baartman

About Deidré Maudelene Baartman

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Western Cape Department of Health Audit Outcome
    16 Oct 2019

    2018/19 Annual Reports

    The Western Cape Provincial Department of Health, led by MEC Mbombo, engaged with the Public Accounts Committee on its 2018/19 Annual Report. This was the first time the Department had a clean audit.

    Members probed the Department on a variety of matters including risk management, corruption, fraud, ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) WCED Audit outcomes: 2018/19 Annual Report
    15 Oct 2019

    The Committee was briefed by the Western Cape Education Department on its audit outcome. Members of the Committee were informed that the Department had regressed in its audit findings from a clean audit to an audit with qualified findings. The Department expressed its dissatisfaction with the findings and assured the ...

  • Finance (WCPP) Eskom on National System Status & Provincial Network Plan for Energy in the Western Cape
    9 Oct 2019

    The Standing Committee met with Eskom to discuss the company’s Network Development Plan for the Western Cape and the current status of its debt.

    Eskom outlined the financial and infrastructural investments it would be making in the province over the next five years. It expected to invest R200m to R300m ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Audit Outcomes: Department of Transport and Public Works & Government Motor Transport 2018/19 Annual Reports
    8 Oct 2019

    2018/19 Annual Reports

    The Committee was briefed by the Auditor General of South Africa and the Audit Committee on the 2018/19 annual reports of the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works and the Government Motor Transport entity. The Minister was in attendance. The presentation highlighted the Auditor-General’s report ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Western Cape 2018/19 audit outcomes; Legislative Oversight through Annual Reports
    2 Oct 2019

    Auditor-General South Africa  provided the Committee with a high level overview of the Western Cape audit outcomes for departments and entities for 2018/19. This was followed by a briefing on the Annual Report process and guidelines for legislative oversight by the Provincial Treasury. All Legislature Members were invited to the ...

  • Finance (WCPP) Energy Game Changer: Department of Economic Development and Tourism briefing
    2 Oct 2019

    The Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT) presented an update on the Atlantis Special Economic Zone (ASEZ) and Special Economic Development Infrastructure Company (SEDIC), providing details on the background and delivery for 2019/20 of both. The Department then briefed the Committee on the Energy Security Game Changer (ESGC), looking ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Western Cape Provincial and Municipal Economic Review 2019/20
    30 Sep 2019

    The Western Cape Provincial Treasury provided a Provincial and Municipal Economic Review for 2019/20 where socio-economic developments were also unpacked and the implications discussed.

    The slow growth of economy and high unemployment were key discussion topics. Members asked about the causes of the increasing income inequality; why the infant mortality ...

  • Finance (WCPP) ACSA expansion and development plans for Cape Town International Airport and surrounding communities
    11 Sep 2019

    The Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) briefed the Committee on the expansion plans for Cape Town International Airport (CTIA). ACSA said that CTIA will be realigning its runway, expanding the domestic arrival and International terminal. These three projects will have a significant impact and make a positive contribution to the ...

  • Budget Committee (WCPP) Provincial Treasury on Quarter 1 performance; FFC on 2019/20 submissions for Division of Revenue
    30 Aug 2019

    The Provincial Treasury briefed the Committee on its first Quarter performance, and the Financial and Fiscal Commission briefed the Committee on its 2019/ 20 submissions for Division of Revenues. The Financial and Fiscal Commission's presentation dealt with Local government sustainability, local government fiscal framework, municipal government capacity building, local government ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) (WCPP) Departments of Premier on matters raised by Audit Committees; Irregular expenditure: DEA & Development Planning
    30 Aug 2019

    The Departments of the Premier, Social Development and Environmental Affairs and Development Planning briefed the Committee on the status of implementation of the recommendations of the Auditor General. The findings of the Audit Committee with the Department of the Premier resulted from disparity in certain terminology used by the Department. ...