Mr Dikgang Mathews Stock

Politician Profile Page

Dikgang Mathews Stock

About Dikgang Mathews Stock

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Constitutional Review Committee Election of co-chairpersons
    26 Mar 2015

    The Committee elected Mr Vincent Smith as the Co-Chairperson of the National Assembly component of the Joint Committee on Constitutional Review and Mr Lewis Nzimande as the Co-Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces component of the Committee.

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries South African Heritage Resources Agency & National Heritage Council: Legislative mandates and roles in identification, conservation and management of cultural resources
    18 Mar 2015

    The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) and National Heritage Council (NHC) briefed the Committee on their mandate and key performance areas, as outlined by the respective governing legislation, and the Department of Arts and Culture also gave input to some of the questions asked by Members. The two entities ...

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries AgriSETA & CATHSSETA on their 2013/14 Annual Reports
    26 Nov 2014

    Three of the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) briefed the Committee on their 2013/14 annual reports, focusing on their challenges, successes and goals. However, Members later commented that the reports varied widely in style, format and content, with some of the targets not clear and successes not specified, which ...

  • NCOP Social Services Department of Water Affairs on its Annual Report for the 2013/14 financial year briefing
    25 Nov 2014

    The Department of Water and Sanitation appeared before the Select Committee to present its annual report for the 2013/14 financial year.

    The Department had received a qualified audit for 2013/14, just as in the past two financial years. Audit findings had uncovered irregular expenditure, fruitless and wasteful expenditure and non-compliance ...

  • NCOP Social Services Department of Human Settlements 2014/15 Annual Report briefing to NCOP
    18 Nov 2014

    The Department of Human Settlements briefed the Select Committee on its 2014/15 Annual Report. The department received an unqualified audit although it had hoped for a clean audit. DHS was disappointed with the audit results because it received various matters of emphasis such as its pre-determined goals were not SMART ...

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries Department of Higher Education and Training on its 2013/14 Annual Report
    14 Nov 2014

    The Department of Education and Higher Training presented to the Committee its 2013/14  annual report. The Director General discussed its strategic goals for the year and the major challenges encountered. One main issue was that the Department received an unqualified audit. The Department partnered with the South African Instituted of ...

  • NCOP Social Services Department of Social Development on its 2013/14 Annual Report to the NCOP
    11 Nov 2014

    The Department of Social Development presented its 2013/14 Annual Report which looked at key priorities, strategic goals and their performance and expenditure in meeting strategic goals and achieving its clean audit.

    69% of the targets were achieved and 31% were not; the percentage of achieved targets has continually improved since ...

  • NCOP Social Services Department of Home Affairs on its 2013-2014 Annual Report, in presence of Deputy Minister
    7 Nov 2014

    The Department of Home Affairs (DHA), in the presence of Deputy Minister, Fatima Chohan, presented its 2013/14 Annual Report to the Committee. It highlighted four of the fourteen government priority outcomes to which it contributed against the background of the Department’s mission to create a secure South Africa where all ...

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries Department of Basic Education & Umalusi on their 2013/14 Annual Reports, with Deputy Minister present
    5 Nov 2014

    Umalusi and the Department of Basic Education, in the presence of Deputy Minister, Enver Surty, presented to the Select Committee on their respective Annual Reports for 2013/14. Umalusi noted its role in quality assurance and its significance for education in South Africa. It was independent, which provided credibility to the ...

  • NCOP Education, Sciences and Creative Industries Early Childhood Development: Progress report from Department of Basic Education
    29 Oct 2014

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) gave its progress report on Early Childhood Development (ECD) from the educational standpoint, supplementing earlier presentations given to the Committee by other departments, notably the Department of Social Development (DSD) which had responsibility for ECD in children aged 0 to 4 years, whilst DBE ...