Ms Dorris Eunice Dlakude

Politician Profile Page

Dorris Eunice Dlakude

About Dorris Eunice Dlakude

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Rules of the National Assembly Review of National Assembly Rules: consideration of Subcommittee Report
    20 Nov 2015

    The Rules Committee met to consider the Subcommittee Report on the Review of the National Assembly Rules. The ANC supported the proposed new criteria for the processing of motions without notice. The criteria were now that at least five parties including the majority party and the largest minority party should ...

  • Rules of the National Assembly Draft National Assembly Rules: Party inputs
    16 Sep 2015

    The Sub-Committee met to discuss party input further and to continue general discussion on the rules as they had been drafted thus far, with the aim of developing a complete Sub-Committee document to take to the Rules Committee. The Committee went through the chapters, pausing at certain chapters where Members ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on Police Minister's Report on Nkandla Minister of Police and Minister of Public Works on Nkandla security upgrades
    29 Jul 2015

    The Ad Hoc Committee dealing with the security upgrades at the President’s Nkandla residence were briefed by the Minister of Police and the Minister of Public Works on the issues which had led to the inflation of costs, shoddy workmanship, flouting of regulations, allegations of corruption, and demands that the ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on Police Minister's Report on Nkandla Ad Hoc Committee on Minister of Police Report on Nkandla Committee Programme
    23 Jun 2015

    The Committee met to consider its draft programme. The draft programme proposed that the work of the Committee should start on 21 July 2015 where the Minister of Police would table his report and the report would be deliberated on. The programme also proposed that the Committee undertake a site ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee on Police Minister's Report on Nkandla Police Minister's Nkandla Report: Election of Chairperson; Parties to be called by the Committee
    11 Jun 2015

    The Ad Hoc Committee, having been appointed by the National Assembly, elected Mr Cedric Frolick as its chairperson. He suggested the Committee collate its programme but the meeting quickly turned into a debate on who the Committee could call to appear before it.

    Some Members of the ruling party pointed ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee - President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report on Nkandla Committee Report on Report by President on Nkandla security upgrades: adoption
    11 Nov 2014

    The Committee convened to consider the final draft report of the Committee. The Committee noted that the outcome in the High Court of South Africa in the matter between the DA and the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) was of relevance to the matter. The judgment provided clarity on the ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee - President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report on Nkandla Committee Report on President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report
    6 Nov 2014

    The Committee met to consider its draft report to the National Assembly, particularly the composition of its observations and findings, based on its consideration of the various reports relating to the security upgrades at the President’s private residence at Nkandla.

    Before going into the actual business on the agenda, the ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee - President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report on Nkandla Committee Report on President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report
    30 Oct 2014

    The Committee extensively discussed the Western Cape High Court judgment on the Public Protector’s Report dealing with the SABC chief operating officer appointment. The judgment pronounced on whether remedial actions recommended by the Public Protector were binding and enforceable. The judgment read that the Public Protector’s remedial actions were neither ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee - President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report on Nkandla Nkandla Security Upgrades: Public Protector and SIU Reports: consideration 30/09
    14 Oct 2014

    The Committee met to continue its work with only its ANC members present. The Committee heard inputs from two content advisors who discussed commonalities and differences between the reports of the Public Protector and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) after which they started their consideration of the reports. A complexity ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee - President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report on Nkandla Public Protector's Report on Nkandla security upgrades
    25 Sep 2014

    After adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting, the only matter arising was the legal opinion regarding the Committee’s ability to access the Cabinet Memorandum of 2003. The Parliamentary Legal Advisor indicated that Constitution empowers the Committee to subpoena anyone to come before it to give oral testimony or ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee - President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report on Nkandla President's Response to Public Protector: Election of Chairperson
    9 Sep 2014

    Mr S Tshabalala, Committee Section Manager, noted that he was sitting as representative of the Secretary of Parliament to facilitate the appointment of a Chairperson for the Committee, and called for nominations. The ANC nominated Mr Cedric Frolick (ANC), but the opposition parties felt that at this stage the terms ...