Mr Francois Beukman

Politician Profile Page

Francois Beukman

About Francois Beukman

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Police Committee Reports on Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority Annual Report & APP
    22 Nov 2017

    Document handed out: Committee Report on Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority 2016/17 Annual Report; Committee Report on PSIRA 2017/18 Budget Vote, Annual Performance Plan and strategic plan [available under Tabled Committee Reports once published]

    The Committee considered and adopted the Draft Report on the 2016/17 annual report of the Private Security Industry ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee 2016 public submissions: legal opinions
    16 Nov 2017

    Documents handed out: Opinion on Submission by Ms Evelyn Motlhaping (Submission CR 16/36) [awaited]; Legal Opinion on the submission by Adv. N M Masemola (Submission CR 16/39)[awaited]; Submission by J Greaves Regarding the Electoral System (Submission CR 16/27) [awaited]; Submission by PK Maibelo Regarding Electoral System (Submission CR16/41) [awaited]; S103(1) of Constitution Proposed Amendment ...

  • Police Firearms Amnesty: SAPS briefing; Crime Intelligence on Quarter 2 performance & vetting process
    15 Nov 2017

    Members of the Committee expressed shock that a brigadier in the South African Police Service (SAPS), who was under investigation for accepting R50 000 for providing a fellow officer with an illegal clearance certificate several months ago, had been nominated to undertake an official visit to France this month. They also ...

  • Police DPCI on missing firearms at Western Cape police stations; illegal mining; illicit financial flows; SAPS KZN response to Committee oversight
    14 Nov 2017

    The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations (DPCI) briefed the Committee on the status of investigations into the Mitchell’s Plain and Bellville South Police Station missing firearms. On 17 October 2017, police officers from Manenberg Crime Intelligence and Visible Policing, stopped and searched a known adult male gang member, who is ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee 2016 public submissions: legal opinions
    9 Nov 2017

    The Joint Committee on Constitutional Review met to hear legal opinion on public submissions received in 2016. Four Parliamentary Legal Advisors presents their opinions on individual submissions.

    Among the submissions noted for further consideration was a submission by Mr Gabriel Mathe. He proposed that the Constitution be amended to allow ...

  • Police Firearm Amnesty 2018; IT plan of action: SAPS briefing
    8 Nov 2017

    The South African Police Service (SAPS) briefed the Committee on the planned firearm amnesty for the year 2018, pointing out that the focused operations during previous amnesty periods had resulted in an increased number of firearms surrendered. Firearms could be surrendered at any police station in South Africa.

    The police ...

  • Police IPID + CSP on Quarter 2 performance
    7 Nov 2017

    The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) and Civil Secretariat for Police (CSP) briefed the Committee on their performance during the second quarter of the 2017-18 financial year.

    The CSP reported it had filled 143 of its 150 vacant posts by the end of the quarter, resulting in a vacancy rate ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee 2016 public submissions: legal opinions
    2 Nov 2017

    Documents handed out: List of eight legal opinions [awaited]

    This sitting of the Joint Committee on Constitutional Review met to hear legal opinion on public submissions received in 2016. Five Parliamentary Legal Advisers presented their opinions on eight individual submissions, with two submissions not heard because the relevant legal officers were ...

  • Police SAPS & DPCI Quarter 2 performance
    1 Nov 2017

    The South African Police Service (SAPS) and the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigations (DPCI) briefed the Committee on their Quarter 2 performance.

    SAPS said that 73.32% of its targets were achieved, 21.93% were not achieved, while 1.75% of targets were not measured. It had filled more than 99% of its ...

  • Police Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill: Civilian Secretariat for Police briefing
    25 Oct 2017

    The Civilian Secretariat for Police Service briefed the Committee on the Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill. The discussions were preliminary as the Bill was yet to be sent out for public comments.

    The Bill sought to bring the legal framework for the protection of critical infrastructure in line with the constitutional ...