Ms Galerekwe Mase Manopole

Politician Profile Page

Galerekwe Mase Manopole

About Galerekwe Mase Manopole

Committee Meetings Attended

  • National Youth Development Agency appointments Shortlisting of candidates
    7 Dec 2016

    The Committee at the outset of the meeting briefly discussed the matter of what the appropriate number of shortlisted candidates should be. Members were aware that there were only seven positions on the NYDA Board. The number of applications received for the seven positions totalled 487. The Committee in the ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Protected Disclosures Amendment Bill: Department of Justice briefing; Justice Administered Fund Bill [B26-2015] adoption
    30 Nov 2016

    The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development briefed the Committee on the Protected Disclosures Amendment Bill (the Bill), which was being introduced in an attempt to broaden the ambit of the Protected Disclosures Act (the Act). When the Act was originally being discussed, the South African Law Reform Commission had ...

  • NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration 2017 First Term Programme
    29 Nov 2016

    Minutes of Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 1 November 2016
    Minutes of Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 22 November 2016
    Minutes of Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 23 November 2016
    Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs First Term ...

  • National Youth Development Agency appointments Short-listing of candidates for Appointment of Board Members to NYDA: meeting postponed
    28 Nov 2016

    The Ad Hoc Joint Committee on Appointment of Board Members to the National Youth Development Agency could not proceed with the short-listing of candidates because it could not form a quorum even though Rule 27 of the Joint Rules stated the meeting could proceed with the business of the day ...

  • NCOP Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings Africa Skills FET College Petition Report; Tabling of Executive Undertakings
    23 Nov 2016

    Africa Skills FET College Petition Report
    Tabling of Executive Undertakings [All Committee Reports available under Tabled Committee Reports once published]

    The Select Committee met to consider and adopt the Africa Skills FET College Petition Report (Petition requesting the intervention of the NCOP on the alleged ill-treatment of students, corruption ...

  • NCOP Security and Justice Committee Oversight Report on Pollsmoor Correctional Centre
    23 Nov 2016

    Documents handed out: 
    Committee Oversight Report on Pollsmoor Correctional Centre
    [All Committee Reports available under Tabled Committee Reports once published]

    The Committee considered the draft Report on its oversight visit to Pollsmoor Correctional Centre. Members raised issues which they felt needed to be included under recommendations made in the Draft ...

  • NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration Northern Cape & Mpumalanga COGTA Departments on 2013/14 & 2015/16 Annual Reports
    22 Nov 2016

    The meeting involved three Section 47 performance report presentations by Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) delegates from the Northern Cape and Mpumalanga provinces. Delegates from Kwazulu Natal were also present to answer specific Committee questions.

    The first presentation was delivered by the Mpumalanga province COGTA department, covering the 2013/2014 ...

  • National Youth Development Agency appointments Approval of advert
    9 Nov 2016

    The Ad-hoc Committee agreed on a number of issues relating to the advert, including the age criteria. However, there were some disagreements in terms of the criteria of academic qualification to be included in the advert.

    A unanimous decision was taken to seek legal advice on other contentious issues relating ...

  • National Youth Development Agency appointments Ad Hoc Committee Programme; Approval of advert: meeting postponed
    8 Nov 2016

    Due to a lack of quorum, it was agreed that the meeting should be postponed until the next day.  Committee members asserted that the staff of the Committee should ensure effective communication with the relevant Committee members in relation to meeting notifications through email, phone call and text messages.

  • NCOP Security and Justice Civilian Secretariat for Police on policies and legislation in the sector; SA Police Services on professionalising the service & Public Order Policing Training
    2 Nov 2016

    The Civilian Secretariat for Police Services gave a presentation on Policies and Legislation of the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service. She outlined that an approach to policing in the 21st century requires a ‘professional, well-resourced, and highly skilled police service’. She emphasised that a demilitarised police service must display a ...