Adv Glynnis Breytenbach

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Glynnis Breytenbach

About Glynnis Breytenbach

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Correctional facilities: overcrowding & security; DCS briefing; Maintenance Amendment Bill: Deputy Minister & DoJ&CD briefings
    12 Nov 2014

    The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) briefed the Committee on overcrowding and the threat that this posed to security in correctional centres. The DCS described the problem of over-crowding, how it arose and its extent, the solutions that the Department and other linked departments proposed or were implementing, and how ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Correctional Centre Infrastructure: Department of Correctional Services briefing
    5 Nov 2014

    The Department of Correctional Services said that the Department of Public Works (DPW) was the custodian of government buildings and manages the municipality accounts for DCS facilities. DCS leases government owned properties directly from DPW and pays accommodation charges to DPW. For the 2014/15 to 2019/20 financial period, it requires ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Court infrastructure building & maintenance: briefing by Department of Justice
    4 Nov 2014

    The Department of Justice spoke about the state of its current infrastructure projects at magistrate and high  courts, the state of maintenance of buildings occupied by the Department, the disability access plan and its leased property portfolio.

    The situation for the current capital works projects underway was grim with there ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Justice and Correctional Services Budget Review and Recommendations Report
    29 Oct 2014

    The Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services, having received the Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report (BRRR) for the Department of Correctional Services only that morning, postponed its consideration to the following day. It proceeded to read through the draft BRRR for the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, page ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Attorneys Amendment Bill, Suspension of Magistrates: Adoption of Committee Reports
    28 Oct 2014

    The Committee formally adopted three Committee Reports relating to the suspension of Mr TM Masinga, Additional Magistrate at Emlazi; the provisional suspension from office of Mrs RM Mahlalela, Additional Magistrate at Delmas; and the approval of the Magistrates Commission report on the upliftment of the provisional suspension of Mr PS ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Public Protector on its 2013/14 Annual Report & 2014 performance
    22 Oct 2014

    The Public Protector of South Africa presented its Annual Report, including a brief exposition of the work done by the Office over the year including the number of cases received (26 195), finalised (24 642), referred (3 072) and the staff complement (314, with 100 trainee investigators) which handled the ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development NPA & Special Investigating Unit on 2013/14 Annual Report & April to September 2014 performance
    21 Oct 2014

    The National Prosecuting Authority presented a synopsis of its Annual Report, covering the performance against indicators based on its strategic objectives for the Specialised Prosecutions Service, Asset Forfeiture Unit, Office for Witness Protection and Support Services. The NPA generally met its targets, with the Asset Forfeiture Unit having its best ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Department of Correctional Services 2013/14 Annual Report: Stakeholder hearings & Researcher Analysis
    15 Oct 2014

    The Committee heard submissions from stakeholders in the DCS environment from Popcru, Sonke Gender Justice and NICRO. They applauded some of the improvements the DCS had made in its performance though they lamented more the recurring challenges such as sexual violence in prisons, delays in remand detainee trials. The high ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee - President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report on Nkandla Public Protector's Report on Nkandla security upgrades
    25 Sep 2014

    After adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting, the only matter arising was the legal opinion regarding the Committee’s ability to access the Cabinet Memorandum of 2003. The Parliamentary Legal Advisor indicated that Constitution empowers the Committee to subpoena anyone to come before it to give oral testimony or ...

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act: Constitutional Court judgements: briefing by Child Law Centre; Implementation report by Department
    17 Sep 2014

    The Child Law Centre presented on the findings of two Constitutional Court judgements which declared provisions of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act unconstitutional. The impugned sections dealt with the age of consent between adolescents or children under the age of 16 and the inclusion of ...