Mr Godrich Ahmed Gardee

Politician Profile Page

Godrich Ahmed Gardee

About Godrich Ahmed Gardee

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Deputy Public Protector appointment: interviews Day 1
    12 Nov 2019

    Video: Deputy Public Protector Interviews, Parliament: 12 November 2019

    The Committee interviewed four candidates for the position of Deputy Public Protector: Adv Shadrack Nkuna, Mr Buang Jones, Adv Moshoeshoe Moshoeshoe and Adv Noxolo Mbangeni

  • Justice and Constitutional Development Public Protector South Africa 2018/19 Annual Report
    18 Oct 2019

    Annual Reports 2018/2019Public Protector Investigation Reports; Public Protector Act

    The Office of the Public Protector briefed the Portfolio Committee on its 2018/19 Annual Report and provided updates on current cases of concern to the Committee.
    The Public Protector informed the Committee that her Office had been at ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee to Initiate and Introduce Legislation amending Section 25 of Constitution Discussion of Programme & process
    18 Oct 2019

    The Committee, established to initiate and introduce legislation amending section 25 of the Constitution, discussed its programme until May 2020. As the work of the Committee was of considerable public interest, Members proposed various ways the programme could be condensed and its work sped up, while avoiding scheduling clashes with ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee Section 25 review of Constitution: minutes and way forward
    8 Nov 2018

    The Committee considered and adopted the minutes of 20 September; 11, 25, 26 October; 1 November 2018. Members debated whether the minutes of 20 September 2018 were a true reflection of what transpired at that meeting. Some members said there was an omission as the minutes did not capture the ...

  • Rules of the National Assembly National Assembly Rules review: Subcommittee deliberations
    20 Jan 2015

    The Committee met briefly to review the new draft of the National Assembly Rules. The Chairperson outlined the procedure and made it clear, several times, that it was not this sub-Committee who would be making the final decision on the Rules of the NA; instead, individual members of this sub-committee ...

  • Rules of the National Assembly National Assembly Rules: Review, continuation of deliberations from Chapter 5
    19 Jan 2015

    The Sub-committee of the Rules Committee, sitting to do a preliminary investigation and comment into the revision of the National Assembly Rules (the Rules) continued with discussions, from Chapter 5, reviewing both the draft of the Task Team and the proposals of the ANC. It was stressed by the Chairperson ...

  • Rules of the National Assembly Review of National Assembly Rules: Chapters 1-4
    19 Jan 2015

    The Chairperson outlined the purpose and scope of the meeting, noting that this was a meeting of the sub-Committee to debate the revision of the National Assembly rules. It was stressed that this was not informed by the current political representation in the National Assembly, but the process was started ...

  • Home Affairs Home Affairs Budget Review and Recommendations Report (BRRR)
    21 Oct 2014

    The Committee Researcher presented the draft Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report.

    The Chairperson remarked that findings are statements of facts and recommendations are plans of action to address these findings. Each finding must have a corresponding recommendation. The Chairperson said that the BRRR should only addresses issues within the allotted ...

  • Ad Hoc Committee - President's Submission in response to Public Protector's Report on Nkandla Public Protector's Report on Nkandla security upgrades
    25 Sep 2014

    After adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting, the only matter arising was the legal opinion regarding the Committee’s ability to access the Cabinet Memorandum of 2003. The Parliamentary Legal Advisor indicated that Constitution empowers the Committee to subpoena anyone to come before it to give oral testimony or ...

  • Home Affairs Audit reports as oversight tool: Office of Auditor-General of South Africa briefing
    9 Sep 2014

    The Auditor General’s (AG) Office briefed the Committee on how better to understand the audit outcomes of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The objective of the briefing was to provide Members with the necessary information and guidance on the role of the AG’s Office, to enable them to execute ...