Ms Grace Kekulu Tseke

Politician Profile Page

Grace Kekulu Tseke

About Grace Kekulu Tseke

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Human Settlements, Water & Sanitation Budget: Committee Report
    10 Jul 2019

    The Committee met for the consideration and adoption of the Report on Budget Vote 36: Water and Sanitation and on the 2019/2020 Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Water and Sanitation.

    As part of the deliberations, Members expressed views on observations and recommendations of the report. ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Department of Water and Sanitation 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan; Human Settlements Budget: Committee Report; Legacy reports
    5 Jul 2019

    The Portfolio Committee was briefed on the Department of Water and Sanitation’s Legacy Report and 2019/20 annual performance plan (APP), and were given details of the budget of the expanded Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation.  

    The discussion on the Legacy Report was suspended, as Members agreed it ...

  • Health Department of Health 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan; with Minister
    4 Jul 2019

    Media Statement: Health Committee Hears That NHI Bill ‘is a Must’ 

    The meeting was convened to discuss the National Department of Health’s (NDOH) annual performance plan and budget with the Minister of Health and senior officials of the Department.

    The Minister said that activities in the Department were guided ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Department of Human Settlement Annual Performance Plan 2019/20, with Minister and Deputy Minister
    3 Jul 2019

    PMG was not present at the meeting. The below is compiled based on the Committee’s official minutes adopted on 23 July 2019.

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Election of Chairperson
    2 Jul 2019

    The Committee met for the election of its Chairperson. Ms R Semenya (ANC) was nominated without any opposing nominations. Ms Semenya accepted the nomination and was declared Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation.

    The Committee then adopted its draft Committee Programme for the term.

  • Health Election of Chairperson
    2 Jul 2019

    The Committee duly elected Mr S Dhlomo (ANC) to be its Chairperson.

    The Chairperson thanked members for his nomination and said the Committee’s oversight function must focus on 3 key issues: maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate and under-5 mortality rate.

    It was announced that the Committee would meet with ...

  • Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality CGE board interviews: deliberation and recommendation of candidates for appointment
    14 Mar 2019

    The Chairperson commended the Members for their hard work and dedication during their term as the Ad Hoc Committee over the previous five years. She also appreciated the sacrifice of their time in conducting the interviews for the filling of vacancies for the Commission of Gender Equality (CGE) till late ...

  • Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality CGE Interviews: day 1
    13 Mar 2019

    The Committee interviewed the candidates for the filling of vacancies in the Commission for Gender Equality.

    The Committee had shortlisted a total of 24 candidates to be interviewed over two consecutive days, 12 candidates on each day; this was the second day of the two.

    The candidates were mostly tested ...

  • Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality Interviews; Committee Progress Report on CGE filling of vacancies
    12 Mar 2019

    The Committee conducted interviews of candidates for Commissioners on the Commission on Gender Equality (CGE).

    The Committee had shortlisted 24 candidates on 23 February 2019. Committee Members tested candidates on issues relating to governance, regulation, legislation, policies, ethics, challenges, amalgamation of Chapter 9 Institutions, suggestions for improvement, reduction of violence ...

  • Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality Shortlisting of candidates
    26 Feb 2019

    The Committee met with the intention to shortlist suitable candidates for the Commission on Gender Equality as the Committee had been unable to fulfil the task the previous week due to process delays.

    The previous week, the Committee had mandated the Chairperson and other Members to report the concerns of ...