Hildah Vangile Nyambi

Politician Profile Page

Hildah Vangile Nyambi

About Hildah Vangile Nyambi

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment DEA, SANParks & iSimangaliso Annual Performance Plans; AGSA input, with Minister
    2 May 2017

    The Auditor General South Africa (AGSA) followed strict sets of rules and regulations governed by the Public Audit Act. These sets of rules informed auditing standards by government departments and entities. The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) was highlighted by AGSA as a key programme, especially in how it related ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Committee Report on Western Cape oversight; Second Term Programme
    15 Mar 2017

    The Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources met for the consideration and adoption of the Draft Report on the Oversight Visit to the Western Cape and to consider and adopt outstanding minutes. Discussion was held on the support systems for emerging mining companies adhering to requirements of compliance and mechanisms to ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Waste Management Colloquium, with Minister and Deputy Minister
    14 Mar 2017

    The Minister of Environmental Affairs and the Deputy Minister were both present at the colloquium, the third of its kind hosted by the Portfolio Committee of Environmental Affairs. Other invited guests included the Department of Environmental Affairs, the City of Cape Town, an engineer from eThekwini Municipality, a UCT lecturer ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Mining Licencing turnaround times, with intro by Minister
    8 Mar 2017

    The Minister of Mineral Resources spoke about the Departments of Mineral Resources, Environmental Affairs and Water and Sanitation working together to implement the One Environmental system in the application process to streamline the licensing processes for mining, environmental authorisations and water use. The South African Mineral Resources Administration (SAMRAD) system ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Mining sector environmental governance; Rehabilitation in mining industry
    7 Mar 2017

    The Department of Monitoring, Planning and Evaluation and Department of Mineral Resources briefed the Committee on environmental governance in the mining sector.

    Houses partially disappearing into Sink Holes, a 9-year old child falling to his death in an open mine shaft, and illegal mining in old and abandoned mines. That ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Evaluation of work of Committee: Committee Researcher briefing
    1 Mar 2017

    The Chairperson referred to the unfortunate incident at Jerusalem in East Rand where a five-year-old child fell into a disused mine and at the time of the meeting had not been rescued. The Committee must act decisively in order to prevent any more similar incidents from occurring. He was informed ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment 1st Term Committee Programme; Committee Reports
    28 Feb 2017

    The Committee considered and adopted the First Term Committee Programme, 2 Committee Reports and 10 sets of outstanding Committee minutes.
    The Committee adopted without amendments 10 sets of minutes dated 11 October 2016 to 14 February 2017.

    The Committee briefly discussed matters arising from the minutes.
    Members raised concern as ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Derelict and ownerless mines: DMR progress report
    22 Feb 2017

    The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) spoke about derelict and ownerless mines and what government was doing with these mines. The objectives of the management of the derelict and ownerless mine sites is to address public health and safety impacts and environmental impacts on both surface and ground water and ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Wildlife crimes legislation; SA Renewable Energy Council; Climate Change Mitigation research by UCT, with Minister in attendance
    21 Feb 2017

    The first presentation was by the Energy Research Centre of the University of Cape Town. It highlighted the lack of implementation policy on climate change, despite the country’s commitments to the United Nations. The commitment was rushed and the resulting White Paper faced delays in implementation. There was no database ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Department of Mineral Resources Quarter 3 performance, with Minister present; Response to SONA
    15 Feb 2017

    The meeting began with an attempt by Mr J Lorimer (DA) to make the Committee change the rules with respect to how members of the Committee engaged with the delegation of the Department. This was however met with some resistance. The Minister of Mineral Resources in his opening remarks to ...