Hildah Vangile Nyambi

Politician Profile Page

Hildah Vangile Nyambi

About Hildah Vangile Nyambi

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa colloquium Day 1, with Minister present
    21 Aug 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs hosted a two-day colloquium on captive lion breeding under the title: Captive Lion Breeding for Hunting In South Africa: Harming Or Promoting The Conservation Image Of The Country. Day One of the Colloquium was divided into four parts. In part one, the Chairperson of ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment NEMLA Bill B14-2017: adoption; SA Weather Services Board performance & interface with senior management
    19 Jun 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs received a briefing from the Department of Environmental Affairs, on the final version of the proposed amendments to the NEMLA (National Environmental Management Laws Amendment) Bill. The purpose of the briefing was to ensure all the amendments had been captured accurately and to have the ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment NEMLA Bill: adoption; SANBI 2017/18 Quarter 3 & 4 performance
    13 Jun 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs meeting was divided into two parts. In the first part, the Committee deliberated on the National Environmental Management Laws Amendment (NEMLA) Bill. In the second, the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) reported on its performance in the final quarters of the 2017/18 financial ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Mining Charter consultative review
    12 Jun 2018

    The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) told the Committee that public consultations on the 2017 Mining Charter were concluded 31 May 2018 and it is drafting a revised charter with the aim to finalise by end of June. The draft Mining Charter will then be published for public comment and ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment NEMLA Bill: deliberations; Minamata Convention on Mercury
    12 Jun 2018

    The Portfolio Committee received a clause-by-clause briefing from the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) on the proposed amendments to the National Environmental Management Laws Amendment (NEMLA) Bill. There were also discussions on the Amendment List (A-list) document, the well-being of wild animals, and South Africa’s ratification of the MINAMATA Convention ...

  • Finance Standing Committee Carbon Tax Bill: Treasury response to submissions
    7 Jun 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs and the Standing Committee on Finance received a briefing from the National Treasury on its responses to the various comments from various stakeholders on the draft Carbon Tax Bill 2017. In addition, a number of the stakeholders, including a university professor, a non-governmental organisation ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment NEMLA Bill: deliberations
    5 Jun 2018

    The Committee received a briefing from the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) on the proposed amendments to the National Environmental Management Laws Amendment (NEMLA) Bill.

    The purpose of the Bill was to amend certain provisions under the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), taking into account related legislation dealing with protected ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Optimum Coal Mine; Shiva Uranium Mine; Lily Mine progress report; State Capture Inquiry programme
    30 May 2018

    The Department of Mineral Resources presented its findings on the latest developments at the Tegeta mines since its last meeting with the Portfolio Committee. The Committee was also updated on the thwarted efforts of its support staff to interview potential witnesses to try to garner more evidence of state capture ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Section 54 notices & Chamber of Mines proposal; State Capture inquiry programme
    23 May 2018

    Members were briefed by the Department on Mineral Resources (DMR) on progress in resolving Section 54 notice challenges and the DMR response to the Chamber of Mines proposal. The enforcement measures are meant to encourage compliance with the Mine Health and Safety (MHS) Act and achieve the goal of zero ...

  • Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Environmental Affairs Budget: Committee Report
    10 May 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Environmental Affairs met for the adoption of the Environmental Affairs Budget Vote No. 27 Report, 2018.

    After making some inputs to the report the Committee adopted the report with amendments.