Mr Imamile Aubin Pikinini

Politician Profile Page

Imamile Aubin Pikinini

About Imamile Aubin Pikinini

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Economic Development Committee Oversight Reports
    12 Mar 2019

    The North West Oversight Report was adopted with the addition of 2 suggestions. A Member suggested that the reports hould include the Sun City Airport matter as well as the alleged corruption in the Mphebatho Cultural Museum. The Committee noted that this would assist the Sixth Parliament Committee, and recommend ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources High Level Panel Report/ SAHRC recommendations implementation: DMR status report
    6 Mar 2019

    The Department of Mineral Resources had been asked by the Committee Chairperson to provide a status report about the implementation of the SAHRC and High Level Panel Report recommendations. DMR should inform SAHRC of its reservations about any of the recommendations so that failure to meet the deadlines did not ...

  • Economic Development Legacy Report of Economic Development Portfolio Committee
    5 Mar 2019

    Find here once available - Legacy Reports 

    The Committee discussed and approved its legacy report. The content adviser took the Members through the areas where amendments had been made. The issues raised during the previous meeting were addressed and the report was concluded.

    A Member suggested that the legacy ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Department of Mineral Resources Quarter 2 & 3 performance
    27 Feb 2019

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) on its second and third quarter performance report for the 2018/2019 financial year.

    The report indicated that the expenditure of the DMR as at December 2018 constituted 78% of the total allocated budget of R1 890.7 billion, resulting in ...

  • Economic Development Committee Legacy Report
    26 Feb 2019

    Documents handed out: Draft Report of the Portfolio on Economic Development on its activities undertaken during the Fifth Parliament (2014-2019) [once available Tabled Committee Reports]

    The main agenda of the meeting was to deliberate on the Portfolio Committee’s legacy report, which covered the work that it had started in May ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources SAHRC Report on Mining-affected Communities & DMR response
    20 Feb 2019

    The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) gave a briefing on its Report on the National Hearing on the Underlying Socio-economic Challenges of Mining-affected Communities in South Africa which it released in late 2018.

    The SAHRC recommendations covered land (such as land use management and rehabilitation); housing; environment (such as ...

  • Economic Development Economic Development Legacy Report
    19 Feb 2019

    The Committee’s Legacy Report was tabled. Members were advised to read the report as it will be discussed in the next meeting.

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources High Level Panel recommendations; Bakgatla-Ba-Kgafela community missing billions from mining investments: DMR response
    13 Feb 2019

    The Department of Mineral Resources presented its responses to the recommendations made by the High Level Panel on Assessment of Key Legislation and Acceleration of Fundamental Change. The recommendations that were a key focus of the discussion were that Section 10 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA) ...

  • Economic Development Minister of Economic Development on Transformation
    27 Nov 2018

    The Committee was briefed by the Minister of Economic Development on the impact created by the Industrial Development Corporation’s (IDC’s) investment decisions on transformation and economic inclusion. The Department had set a five year target for the IDC to promote economic inclusion and had provided it with R32 billion funding ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Mineral Resources Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report: Department response, with Minister
    21 Nov 2018

    PMG did not attend this meeting. Below is a record of the proceedings as submitted to PMG.