Mr Imamile Aubin Pikinini

Politician Profile Page

Imamile Aubin Pikinini

About Imamile Aubin Pikinini

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Economic Development SAB Miller & Anheuser-Busch InBev merger conditions
    13 Jun 2018

    This meeting was convened by the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development so that it could be kept abreast of the developments that had happened since the merger of SABMiller and AB InBev. There was an agreement between the government and AB InBev in which certain conditions were set and upon ...

  • Economic Development Tourism sector: Department of Tourism briefing
    13 Jun 2018

    This joint meeting between the Portfolio Committee on Tourism and the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development and co-chaired by the former’s chairperson, Ms L Makhubela-Mashele, and the latter’s whip, Mr A Cele, was convened in recognition of the importance of tourism to the South African economy and because it is ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Mining Charter consultative review
    12 Jun 2018

    The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) told the Committee that public consultations on the 2017 Mining Charter were concluded 31 May 2018 and it is drafting a revised charter with the aim to finalise by end of June. The draft Mining Charter will then be published for public comment and ...

  • Economic Development Textile Industry: IDC briefing; Economic Development Department Quarter 4 performance with Minister & Deputy Minister
    12 Jun 2018

    The Minister of Economic Development, Mr Ebrahim Patel, presented the fourth quarter report of the Economic Development Department to the Committee and he was accompanied by his Deputy, Mr Madala Masuku.
    The Minister reported that the country’s GDP declined 2.2 percent during the quarter with agriculture taking the biggest hit ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Optimum Coal Mine; Shiva Uranium Mine; Lily Mine progress report; State Capture Inquiry programme
    30 May 2018

    The Department of Mineral Resources presented its findings on the latest developments at the Tegeta mines since its last meeting with the Portfolio Committee. The Committee was also updated on the thwarted efforts of its support staff to interview potential witnesses to try to garner more evidence of state capture ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Section 54 notices & Chamber of Mines proposal; State Capture inquiry programme
    23 May 2018

    Members were briefed by the Department on Mineral Resources (DMR) on progress in resolving Section 54 notice challenges and the DMR response to the Chamber of Mines proposal. The enforcement measures are meant to encourage compliance with the Mine Health and Safety (MHS) Act and achieve the goal of zero ...

  • Economic Development Economic Development Budget: Committee Report
    8 May 2018

    The Committee considered its Report on Budget Vote 25: Economic Development Department. No substantive changes were made to the Report. Grammatical and minor technical changes were made to the Report where necessary. The Committee did agree to include in the Report if it was not already covered in existing recommendations, ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources State Capture Inquiry into ex-Mineral Resources Minister: Terms of Reference / Witnesses; Committee DMR Budget Report
    25 Apr 2018

    A Parliamentary Legal Adviser presented the envisaged terms of reference to the Committee. The background to the inquiry was the release in 2016 of a report by the then Public Protector, that contained findings that pointed to governance failures and maladministration in the DMR, and information on conflict of interest ...

  • Economic Development Economic Development Department (continued) & ITAC Annual Performance Plan; with Minister
    24 Apr 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Economic Development was briefed by the International Trade Administration Commission  (ITAC) and the Department of Economic Development (EDD) on their Annual Performance Plans (APPs) for the 2018/19 financial year, in the presence of the Minister. ITAC presented its APP to the Committee wherein clarity was provided ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources State Diamond Trader & CGS & Mintek & SADPMR Annual Performance Plan
    19 Apr 2018

    The Council for GeoSciences took members through its Annual Performance Plan, the key activities planned and the budget for the year 2018/2019. The CGS training of associates  featured prominently in the presentation, two members of staff who had completed their PHDS and were associates at the CGS were present and ...