Ms Joanmariae Louise Fubbs

Joanmariae Louise Fubbs

About Joanmariae Louise Fubbs

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Localisation & Local Procurement Inquiry: bus procurement day 2
    28 Feb 2018

    The inquiry into the compliance with localisation and local public procurement policy for bus procurement continued for a second day - with presentations by bus building companies. The Chairperson explained that the inquiry was all about asking everyone to be patriotic and to work together. It was not about who ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Localisation & Local Procurement Inquiry: day 1
    27 Feb 2018

    Prior to the commencement of the inquiry into compliance with localisation and local public procurement policy for bus procurement, the Chairperson said that the Eskom inquiry had led to the discovery that a number of protocols had been ignored when the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) had tested coal ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition 'Debt Intervention' National Credit Amendment Draft Bill: Nedlac submission
    20 Feb 2018

    Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) was present to represent the Business constituency in NEDLAC and COSATU represented the Labour constituency. Business was disappointed at the decision of the Committee to bypass the NEDLAC process for the Draft Bill. Business maintained that there was a need for a Socio-Economic Impact Assessment ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Debt Relief Committee Bill: Department response to submissions
    14 Feb 2018

    The Department of Trade and Industry in its response to the public submissions noted the concerns raised by stakeholders and various government departments about the constitutionality of certain provisions dealing with debt forgiveness which could amount to expropriation. The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development had not raised this concern ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition 'Debt Intervention' National Credit Amendment Draft Bill: public hearing; Research on over-indebtedness
    13 Feb 2018

    Black Sash in its submission on the National Credit Amendment Bill, made it clear that the protection of social grants from fraudulent and unlawful deductions was a critical element of the right to social security/assistance as set out in the Constitution, international instruments and jurisprudence. The Easy Pay Everywhere (EPE) ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition National Lotteries Commission + National Empowerment Fund Quarter 2 performance
    6 Feb 2018

    The key topics discussed after the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) Quarter 2 performance report were illegal lotteries, disbursement of a greater portion of lottery funding to SASCOC, pro-active funding, adjudication of applications by the National Gambling Board. Although the NLC received a clean audit, members expressed discomfort that SASCOC received ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Debt Relief Committee Bill: public hearings Day 3
    2 Feb 2018

    Before commencing Day 3 of the hearings, the Chairperson referred to a Committee media statement about its concern about water price increases. The media did not always print the relevant information, which was that the Committee had communicated with all departments working with water. The Committee’s interest was in unfair ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Debt Relief Committee Bill: public hearings Day 2
    31 Jan 2018

    Before commencing the public hearing on debt intervention legislation, the Chairperson asked the National Consumer Regulator to comment on Capitec Bank from the perspective of the NCR, in the light of recent allegations against Capitec. The National Consumer Regulator replied that it did not know of any concerns about he ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Debt Relief Committee Bill: public hearings Day 1
    30 Jan 2018

    Debt Counsellors of South Africa said that it was in full support of debt intervention for low income earners. However, DCASA was of the view that the Debt Relief Bill was unlikely to achieve the intended relief because the intervention process was too complex, ambitious, undefined and unworkable. DCASA recommended ...

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Sugar cane growers’ dispute: DTI progress report
    29 Nov 2017

    The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) reported that it had appeared before the Committee on 12 October and 10 November 2017 about the ongoing dispute between the SA Cane Growers Association (SACGA) and the SA Farmer Development Association (SAFDA). SAFDA argued that it was not recognised by the sugar ...