Ms Laetitia Heloise Arries

Politician Profile Page

Laetitia Heloise Arries

About Laetitia Heloise Arries

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Engagement with stakeholders on challenges experienced at Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Works in Hammanskraal; with Deputy Minister
    10 Sep 2019

    The Chairperson of the Committee said there was a need for a structural and systematic change to the entire South African water value chain, rather than a “Band Aid over cracks approach," especially as there was a realisation that the system was under severe pressure. The majority of municipalities were ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Transfer of grants to municipalities; NHFC, NURCHA and RHLF consolidation
    3 Sep 2019

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) on its conditional grants, by the National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) on the merging of three development finance institutions (DFIs) into a single entity -- the Human Settlements Development Bank (HSDB) --and by the Department of Human Settlements ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Department of Water and Sanitation Term 1 expenditure; with Deputy Minister
    23 Aug 2019

    The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) presented its first quarter analysis report for the year 2019/20 to the Committee, providing an overview of its financial and non-financial performance, its entities’ performance, governance issues, as well as its financial recovery plan.

    The Department had under-spent on the compensation of employees ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Ministry & Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on First Quarter Expenditure report
    20 Aug 2019

    The Department of Human Settlements appeared before the Committee to present its first quarter expenditure report and described how R31.7bn of its R33.9 billion budget for 2019/20 had been allocated to grants – R18.8bn to the Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG), and R12.9bn to the Urban Settlements Development Grant (USDG). ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Committee Second Term Programme
    23 Jul 2019

    The Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water, and Sanitation began by electing an acting Chairperson. The Committee then considered and adopted Committee minutes and the Committee’s second term programme. The Chairperson went through each of the previous meetings’ minutes individually. Members adopted Committee minutes dated 2, 3 and 10 July ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Human Settlements, Water & Sanitation Budget: Committee Report
    10 Jul 2019

    The Committee met for the consideration and adoption of the Report on Budget Vote 36: Water and Sanitation and on the 2019/2020 Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Water and Sanitation.

    As part of the deliberations, Members expressed views on observations and recommendations of the report. ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Department of Water and Sanitation 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan; Human Settlements Budget: Committee Report; Legacy reports
    5 Jul 2019

    The Portfolio Committee was briefed on the Department of Water and Sanitation’s Legacy Report and 2019/20 annual performance plan (APP), and were given details of the budget of the expanded Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation.  

    The discussion on the Legacy Report was suspended, as Members agreed it ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Department of Human Settlement Annual Performance Plan 2019/20, with Minister and Deputy Minister
    3 Jul 2019

    PMG was not present at the meeting. The below is compiled based on the Committee’s official minutes adopted on 23 July 2019.

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Election of Chairperson
    2 Jul 2019

    The Committee met for the election of its Chairperson. Ms R Semenya (ANC) was nominated without any opposing nominations. Ms Semenya accepted the nomination and was declared Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation.

    The Committee then adopted its draft Committee Programme for the term.