Mr Leon Magwebu

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Leon Magwebu

About Leon Magwebu

Committee Meetings Attended

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade South African Tourism 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan
    20 Jun 2018

    SA Tourism briefed the Committee on its Annual Performance Plan (APP) for 2018/19.

    SA Tourism had a goal of having 5m arrivals/trips within 5 years ie 2017-2021. The figure of 5m was broken down into 4m international and 1m domestic tourists. For 2017 which was year one of the 5-in-5 ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Labour Bills: public hearings day 2
    20 Jun 2018

    The Committee held the second tranche of public hearings on the three labour bills, namely: Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Bill; National Minimum Wage Bill; and Labour Relations Bill. Shukumisa Coalition, the Institute for Economic Justice, and the National Employers Association of South Africa (NEASA) made submissions.

    Shukumisa Coalition pointed ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Labour bills: public hearings (Trade Union Input)
    19 Jun 2018

    The Committee held the first tranche of public hearings on the three labour bills, namely: Labour Laws Amendment Bill; Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Bill; National Minimum Wage Bill; and Labour Relations Bill. COSATU, FEDUSA and NACTU made a joint submission.

    COSATU, FEDUSA and NACTU, in a joint submission, said ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) Annual Performance Plan
    13 Jun 2018

    The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) briefed the Committee on its Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan.

    The Committee was provided with some background on the legislative mandate, the developmental mandate and on the commercial mandate of the SABS. On the funding model of the SABS 25% was grant ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Central Energy Fund on PetroSA and Strategic Fuel Fund turnaround plan
    12 Jun 2018

    Mr E Makue (ANC, Gauteng) was elected as Acting Chairperson of the Committee. The Central Energy Fund (CEF) then briefed the Committee on its turnaround plan to deal with matters of governance affecting performance of PetroSA. The briefing provided insight into the CEF’s Strategy Review in terms of challenges, sustainability ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade National Consumer Commission 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan
    6 Jun 2018

    The National Consumer Commission (NCC) briefed the Committee on its Strategic and Annual Performance Plan for 2018/19.

    The NCC provided the Committee with a breakdown of its planned APP targets for 2018/19 across its Programmes ie Programme 1: To promote Consumer Protection and Consumer Safety, Programme 2: To promote reform ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development DPW & Property Management Trading Entity 2018/19 Annual Performance Plans; with Minister & Deputy Minister
    23 May 2018

    The Department of Public Works and the Property Management Trading Entity (PMTE) briefed the Committee on their 2018/19 Annual Performance Plans. The Minister and Deputy Minister were in attendance.

    In his preliminary remarks, the Minister pointed out that when the Department of Public Works had concluded its turnaround strategy in ...

  • NCOP Economic and Business Development Department of Labour 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan; with Minister & Deputy Minister
    22 May 2018

    Minister of Labour said that the Committee had been invited to attend International Labour Organisation (ILO) meetings. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) had been approached by the ILO to participate in meetings but had observed that there seemed to be a gap for members of parliament to participate at ...

  • NCOP Appropriations Early Childhood Development Grant Quarter 4 performance: hearing
    16 May 2018

    The Committee was briefed by the National Treasury and the National Department of Social Development, and received submissions from the Eastern Cape, the North West Province and the Northern Cape, on the Early Childhood Development Conditional Grant.

    National Treasury (NT) focused on the purposes of the grant, whether those purposes ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Department of Tourism 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan
    16 May 2018

    The National Department of Tourism (NDT) briefed the Committee on its 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan (APP).

    Key strategies for radical economic transformation to achieve inclusive growth were highlighted. The strategies were underpinned along three areas ie policy, people and places. In total the NDT had twelve strategic objectives which were ...