Ms Maggie Sotyu

Politician Profile Page

Maggie Sotyu

About Maggie Sotyu


Chairperson, the ANC supports this Budget Vote, and the ICD is here to stay. I don't know who wrote that speech for hon King. It is a pity that it ...

Mhlalingaphambili, andizi kuchitha ixesha lam ngokuphendula ubuvuvu obuthethekayo apha. La magwala bendithetha ngawo, ngala magwala ungasokuze uweve ethetha ekomitin i yemicimbi yesebe. Abanye babo bendingabazi nokuba bangamalungu alaa komiti. Bendiqala ...

The ANC supports this budget. [Applause.]

Division demanded.

The House divided:

AYES - 233: Abram, S; Anthony, T G; Arendse, J D; Asiya, S E; Asmal, A K; Balfour, B ...