Ms Masefako Clarah Dikgale

Politician Profile Page

Masefako Clarah Dikgale

About Masefako Clarah Dikgale

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Eskom's Special Appropriation Bill: FFC submission
    3 Sep 2019

    The Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) commented on the 2019 Special Appropriation Bill, noting Eskom’s dire financial situation and government intervention strategies, and gave turnaround suggestions.

    The key issues that had been raised were around corruption and incompetence within Eskom, the privatisation of Eskom and the juxtaposition between historical Eskom ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019]: National Treasury briefing
    28 Aug 2019

    National Treasury briefed the Committee on the rationale for the Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019]. The Bill asks for R26 billion for the 2019/2020 financial and R33 billion for the 202/2021 financial year to assist Eskom with its financial obligations.

    Treasury emphasised that without major changes to Eskom’s business model and ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations National Treasury Quarter 1 performance; Parliamentary Budget Office on its Quarterly Economic Brief and analysis NDP Outcome 6
    27 Aug 2019

    The Committee was informed by National Treasury (NT) of the quarterly expenditures by national departments and their entities, indicating those that had overspent and underspent and the ways that Treasury had tried to intervene. Of great concern was that most departments had underspent their budgets, because if money was available ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations National Treasury briefing: Members’ Orientation
    21 Aug 2019

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCoA) hosted an induction session with the National Treasury. The Committee was briefed on various structural aspects of public finance, state owned entities and state owned companies.

    Highlights included the questioning of the allocation of national revenue to provincial and local government (which it did ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Financial and Fiscal Commission briefing: Members' Orientation
    20 Aug 2019

    The Financial and Fiscal Commission ( FFC) conducted a workshop for the Appropriations Committee to assist it in exercising and improving legislative oversight over government institutions. The presentation answered a wide range of questions that were posed by Members of the Committee, such as how to improve fiscal oversight over ...

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) Induction on Committee Mandate and Work
    20 Aug 2019

    The Anti-Corruption Task Team (ACTT) briefed the Committee on its mandate, organisational structure, progress report and constraints. Notable progress had been the operational achievement pertaining to convictions. In the current financial year there had been 16 convictions resulting from ten cases. Government officials’ convictions were standing at 210.

    Challenges faced ...

  • Constitutional Review Committee Election of Chairperson
    25 Jul 2019

    The Joint Constitutional Review Committee convened to elect its Co-Chairpersons. Dr M Motshekga (ANC) and Mr E Mthethwa (ANC; KZN) were nominated as Co-Chairpersons for the National Assembly and NCOP components respectively. There were no objections or further nominations.

    Both Members accepted their nomination as Co-Chairpersons of the Joint Constitutional ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations 2019 Appropriation Bill: public hearings and Treasury response
    16 Jul 2019

    The Standing and Select Committees on Appropriations held a joint public hearing on the 2019 Appropriation Bill and heard from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and from Mr Guy Harris.

    Cosatu said it had expected the Budget to go further in addressing the economic, governance and budgetary ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations 2019 Appropriation Bill: Parliamentary Budget Office briefing
    9 Jul 2019

    The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) briefing was made to a joint sitting of the Appropriations Committees of the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces. The 2019 Appropriations Bill was tabled by the Minister of Finance along with the 2019 Budget. It provided for the appropriation of money for ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Committee’s role and budget process: training; Legacy Report
    4 Jul 2019

    Legacy Reports

    The Committee’s support staff delivered a threefold presentation to the Committee on its role in the Sixth Parliament, with a focus on its mandate, Committee rules and procedures, and the Fifth Parliament Legacy Report.

    The Committee was told it had the capacity and constitutional authority under the Money ...