Mr Mncedisi Nontsele

Politician Profile Page

Mncedisi Nontsele

About Mncedisi Nontsele

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Employment and Labour Committee Reports
    19 Feb 2020

    The Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour considered and adopted minutes of its meetings on 27 and 28 August, 4 September, 9,16, 23 and 30 October, and 6, 13, 20 and 27 November 2019, without amendments.

    Two further issues were raised after the meeting’s formal agenda had been completed.

    A ...

  • Employment and Labour Orientation workshop continued
    5 Feb 2020

    Documents handed out: NEDLAC presentation to the portfolio committee on labour workshop [awaited]

    The Portfolio Committee held a two-day workshop at which all entities of the Department of Employment and Labour were tasked with presenting on their mandates, their challenges and goals.

    The purpose of the workshop was to guide the ...

  • Employment and Labour Commission for Employment Equity briefing, with the Minister
    27 Nov 2019

    The Commission for Employment Equity, led by its chairperson, presented findings on the trends for the period between 2016 and 2018. The Commission reported that top management positions in the private sector are dominated by white males and there has been only a 1% decrease annually. The white population accounts ...

  • Employment and Labour Nedlac, UIF, Compensation Fund Quarter 1 reports; Labour Activation Programme; with Deputy Minister
    20 Nov 2019

    The Compensation Fund showed a decline in performance for Quarter 1. Changes were being implemented to the Fund’s system following recommendations from the Auditor General and as a result, provincial performance will only start picking up by the end of the year. Reasons for over and under performance in each ...

  • Employment and Labour DEL, CCMA, and Productivity SA; 2019/20 Quarter 1 performance, with Deputy Minister
    13 Nov 2019

    Annual Reports 2018/2019

    The Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) and its entities, the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and Productivity South Africa delivered presentations on their performances for the first quarter of the 2019/20 financial year.

    The DEL said it was faced with the challenge of aligning ...

  • Employment and Labour Current Action Plan on Compensation Fund; with Minister and Deputy Minister
    30 Oct 2019

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Employment and Labour on the current action plan being implemented to deal with challenges at the Compensation Fund.

    The Department stated that Phase 1 of the plan had been implemented from July 2015 to April 2018 in order to stabilise the operations ...

  • Employment and Labour Employment and Labour Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report 2019
    23 Oct 2019

    Employment & Labour BRRR

    The Committee met to adopt the 2019 Budgetary Review and Recommendations Report on Employment and Labour. There was a prolonged discussion on whether the mandate of the Department already encompassed employment and whether to include concerns about the Department creating a suitable environment for job creation. ...

  • Employment and Labour UIF & Compensation Fund 2018/19 Annual Reports; with Minister & Deputy Minister
    9 Oct 2019

    Annual Reports 2018/2019

    The Committee was briefed by the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and the Compensation Fund (CF), two entities of the Department of Employment and Labour, on their quarterly and annual performance reports for 2018/19.

    The UIF reported that it had reduced the time it took to process benefits ...

  • Employment and Labour Department; SEE; CCMA & Nedlac Annual Reports
    18 Sep 2019

    Report of the meeting to follow.

  • Trade, Industry and Competition Overview of existing trade relations and agreements, as well as ongoing trade negotiations
    11 Sep 2019

    The Committee met for a comprehensive briefing on South Africa’s trade negotiations by the International Trade and Economic Development Division of the Department of Trade and Industry.

    South Africa’s share of world trade had grown from 0.45% in 2000 to 0.53% in 2018. However, in US dollar terms, South Africa’s ...