Ms Nhlagongwe Patricia Mahlo

Politician Profile Page

Nhlagongwe Patricia Mahlo

About Nhlagongwe Patricia Mahlo

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Agriculture Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Bill: DALRRD, Parliamentary Legal Advisor & Committee Content Advisor input
    24 Nov 2023


    The Portfolio Committee received a briefing in a virtual meeting from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) on the Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Bill [B14-2021]. The Committee Content Advisor and the Parliamentary Legal Service also provided input on the Bill.

    The objectives of the Plant Health ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Parliament 2023/24 mid-year performance report
    24 Nov 2023


    The Committee met on a virtual platform, with the Speaker of the National Assembly, to be briefed on Parliament’s 2023/24 mid year performance.

    The Chairperson said the Committee had worked very hard and had made progress in many areas like filling critical vacancies– the Committee was moving in the ...

  • Agriculture Preservation and Development of Agricultural Bill: proposed amendments
    23 Nov 2023


    The Portfolio Committee considered and approved the Committee's proposed amendments or A-List of the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Bill.

    The majority of these amendments in the A-List were approved. The Democratic Alliance objected the inclusion of clause 31 as it said that prior notice should be given to ...

  • Agriculture Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land (PDAL) Bill: NHTKL submission & deliberations; with Ministry
    21 Nov 2023


    The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development met on a virtual platform for a briefing from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) on its responses to submissions made by the National House of Traditional and Khoisan Leaders (NHTKL) and the Minister of ...

  • Agriculture Preservation and Development of Agricultural Bill: deliberations (with Minister & Deputy Minister)
    14 Nov 2023


    The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development sat to deliberate on the draft A-List version of the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land (PDAL) Bill.

    Whilst the majority of the Members supported the amendments contained in the A-List, the Democratic Alliance opposed the inclusion of clause ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Parliamentary Budget Office 2022/23 Annual Report
    10 Nov 2023


    In this virtual meeting, the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) had its first meeting with the Committee to present its 2022/23 Annual Report.

    The PBO was established ten years ago in terms of section 15(1) of the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act. Its main objective is to ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Parliament’s 2023/24 Revised Budget and Draft 2024/25 Annual Performance Plan
    8 Nov 2023


    The Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament convened virtually for a briefing by the Office of the Secretary to Parliament on Parliament’s revised 2023/24 budget and the 2024/25 draft annual performance plan (APP).

    The processing of Bills towards the end of the term came under scrutiny. Bills ...

  • Agriculture Preservation and Development of Agricultural Bill: Public Participation Report
    7 Nov 2023


    The Portfolio Committee met on the virtual platform to consider the public participation report on the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Bill [B8-2021].

    An opposition party made its submission that it was unhappy with the proceedings of the 3 November 2023 meeting which were deliberations on the Preservation and ...

  • Agriculture Preservation and Development of Agricultural Bill: deliberations
    3 Nov 2023


    The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (the Committee) met virtually to continue the clause-by-clause deliberations on the Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill [B8 – 2021].

    The Bill aims to provide the regulatory framework for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector and to ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Parliament 2022/23 Annual Report; AGSA Input
    3 Nov 2023



    In the presence of the Speaker of the National Assembly (NA) and the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), the Committee met with the Administration of Parliament to be briefed on the annual report of the legislature for 2022/23 on a virtual platform. The Speaker said ...