Ms Boitumelo Joyce Maluleke

Boitumelo Joyce Maluleke

About Boitumelo Joyce Maluleke

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs COGTA on 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan, with Minister & Deputy present
    14 Mar 2017

    The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs briefed the Committee on its revised 2015-2020 Strategic Plans, its 2017/18 Annual Performance Plans and its 2017 MTEF Budget Allocations.  It also reported back to the Committee on the progress made on the BRRR recommendations of the Portfolio Committee Municipal Infrastructure Support ...

  • Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality Interviews: day 1
    13 Mar 2017

    The Ad Hoc Committee on Filling of Vacancies in the Commission on Gender Equality (CGE) interviewed 11 out of 21 candidates that were shortlisted.

    The following 11 candidates were interviewed by the Committee:

    1. Mr. Saber Jazbhay
    2. ​Ms. Susan Abro
    3. Ms. Alina Mfulo
    4. Ms. Salome Khutsoane
    5. Ms. Nthabeseng Mogale
    6. Ms. Suraya ...
  • Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality Human Resource and Protection Service report
    9 Mar 2017

    The parliamentary Human Resources (HR) team briefed the Committee on the verification of validity and legitimacy of qualifications and vetting results of shortlisted candidates for filling vacancies in the Commission for Gender Equality (CGE). The HR team was given a task to verify the validity of qualifications of shortlisted candidates. ...

  • Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Community Works Programme, with Deputy Minister present
    7 Mar 2017

    Deputy Minister Andries Nel said the Community Works Programme was one of government’s programmes seeking to address inequality, poverty and unemployment, and was part of a social safety net for the very poor. The Programme had created 238 000 work opportunities and had been rolled out to 234 municipalities, with 84% ...

  • Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Eskom debt owed by municipalities; SONA impact on local government, with Minister
    21 Feb 2017

    Eskom said that they were making good progress with implementing the Promotion of Administrative Justice Amendment Act (PAJA) process initiated in November 2016. The PAJA process has helped Eskom recover debt of R1.3b. The total overdue debt had been growing over the past three years and only started decreasing after ...

  • Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality Shortlisting for interviews
    14 Feb 2017

    The Committee shortlisted 21 candidates and they will be invited for interviews on 24 and 27 February 2017. The 21 candidates will be submitted for vetting and verification processes as well.

    Some of the concerns raised in the meeting included the possible delay in verifying qualifications by Human Resources as ...

  • Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill final draft: Western Cape public hearings
    30 Nov 2016

    The Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill, 2015 had been drafted but before getting a final version of the Bill from the drafters, Parliament wished to hear public hearings that would give input into the draft. Members of the public who were present to make comments included paramount chiefs, headmen and ...

  • Appointment to the Commission for Gender Equality Election of the Chairperson
    23 Nov 2016

    The Committee met to elect the Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Filling of Vacancies for Gender Equality. The Committee decided to meet the following week to adopt its programme. 

  • Public Accounts (SCOPA) SANRAL & COGTA: hearing on irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure, with Ministerial input
    16 Nov 2016

    The Committee interrogated the fruitless, wasteful and irregular expenditure reported by the Auditor-General South Africa (AGSA) in relation to the financial statements for 2015/16, for the SA National Roads Agency Ltd (SANRAL) and Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA). The Deputy Minister of Transport, and the Minister and ...

  • Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Drought situation in Free State: Water Affairs briefing; State of South African Cities 2016: South African Cities Network briefing
    8 Nov 2016

    The delegation from the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) presented on the issue of drought in the Free State, describing the issues that faced the province, as well as putting forward the many steps the DWS was taking to combat the impact of the drought.

    The delegation noted that ...