Politician Profile Page
Joint Multi-party Women’s Caucus
Increasing access to health services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons: by Department of Health; Protection against violence for LGBTI persons: by Department of Justice
25 Mar 2015
The presentations by the Departments of Health (DOH) and Justice (DOJ) was to provide the Caucus with an overview of services and provisions made for the LGBTI community. The DOH briefed the Caucus on the sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) and HIV prevention policy for people of the LGBTI ...
Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities
Draft SADC Parliamentary Forum Report on protection against child marriages: Committee Deliberations in preparation for caucus on 25 March
24 Mar 2015
The Parliamentary Research Office presented a draft Report on the protection of children against child marriages in South Africa, which had been compiled for tabling to the SADC-Parliamentary Forum (PF) Plenary Assembly. The Plenary was trying to understand the implications of child marriages in the SADC region, to address such ...
AGSA & FCC on Strategic Plans, 2015/16 APPs and Budgets of DAFF; DAFF on Agricultural Policy Action Plan; Progress report by DAFF on deregistration of Ncera Farms (Pty) Ltd
24 Mar 2015
In its presentation of strategic and annual performance plans, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries indicated that the Agricultural Policy Action Plan is a replacement agriculture strategy that comprises sectoral key action programmes and provides a long-term vision and focused interventions in a five-year rolling schedule.
The Portfolio Committee ...
Smallscale Fisheries Policy Implementation Plan; Fishing Rights Allocation Process (FRAP); Fisheries research capacity & research vessels status report; International Fisheries Agreements
17 Mar 2015
The rollout plan for the implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Policy is looking at executing the policy over a five-year period it identifies roles and responsibilities and key dependencies needed to make the plan see the light of the day. The Policy commenced with the launch of the Small-Scale Fisheries ...
South African Poultry Association; Association of Meat Importers and Exporters on industry challenges; National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) on Agricultural Industry Trusts
13 Mar 2015
The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries held briefings by the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC), the South African Poultry Association (SAPA) and the Association of Meat Importers and Exporters (AMIE) on the challenges facing the industry. It was disclosed that there were currently 26 Ministerial Trustees, and trusts ...
Policy on Extension & Advisory Services; Department of Agriculture briefing, in presence of Minister; Fisheries International Agreements: Committee Content Advisor briefing
10 Mar 2015
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), with the Minister present, briefed the Committee on the development of the National Extension and Advisory Services Policy (the policy) which was intended to guide the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors in the provision of extension and advisory services, to provide a ...
Department of Agriculture progress report on alignment of services between DAFF, its Entities & Provinces; Response to SONA & 2014 BRRR
27 Feb 2015
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) confirmed that its response was based on the theme of the State of the Nation Address (SONA) which was “Growing the Economy” as captured in the President’s statement that “The year 2015 is the Year of the Freedom Charter and Unity in ...
NWGA on availability of animal vaccines in country, capacity building of local sheep shearers & development programme for small-scale wool farmers
24 Feb 2015
The National Wool Growers Association (NWGA) said wool sheep farming was a lucrative opportunity for rural development in Eastern Cape. Wool was the biggest commodity in South Africa, as it had a turnover of about R50 billion at the consumer level and a 60:40 ratio between formal and informal production ...
PC Agriculture: Committee Reports on KZN and Western Cape Oversight Reports
17 Feb 2015
The Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries adopted three sets of minutes and two oversight reports. The briefing by the Department on its second and third term expenditure and performance for the 2014/15 financial year could not take place because it had indicated to the Committee it was not ...
PC Agriculture: Preparation for oversight visit to KZN: briefing by Support Staff
18 Nov 2014
The Committee met to be briefed by staff on the impending oversight visit to two districts in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) from 24 to 28 November. Members were provided with details of the logistics for the trip and the itinerary for the four days, and were also informed about the media communications ...