Mr Nicolaas Jacobus Janse Van Rensburg Koornhof

Nicolaas Jacobus Janse Van Rensburg Koornhof

About Nicolaas Jacobus Janse Van Rensburg Koornhof


Mr N Koornhof (COPE) thought that PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which was normally most diligent, had not adequately addressed the provision that the automatic penalty was not open to review by SARS. ...

Mr N Koornhof (COPE) congratulated the Minister on his speech the previous day. There had been a comment on consumer debt. Unsecured loans were at record levels, and some commentators ...

Mr N Koornhof (COPE) asked, tongue-in-cheek, who read these documents. He had found them valuable this time, because he had been unable to attend some of the Committee’s meetings recently.