Ms Nocawe Noncedo Mafu

Politician Profile Page

Nocawe Noncedo Mafu

About Nocawe Noncedo Mafu

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Property Practitioners Bill: Department response to submissions & deliberations
    13 Nov 2018

    The Committee was in the process of looking at amendments to the draft Property Practitioners Bill after consultative stakeholder engagements, and after Members had looked at all the submissions and deliberated on them.

    The Department ’s legal team took Members through the amendments. Of particular importance, there was now a ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Property Practitioners Bill: Department response to submissions & deliberations
    7 Nov 2018

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Human Settlements (DHS) on the submissions made during the public hearings in Parliament and in the provinces during September on the Property Practitioners Bill.

    The Department’s legal adviser provided details of the submissions from a wide range of stakeholders in the property, ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Gauteng Human Settlements Department turnaround strategy
    30 Oct 2018

    The Gauteng Department of Human Settlements (GDHS) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Human settlements the challenges that led to poor performance and the turnaround strategy put in place to remedy the situation; and further briefly updated the Committee on the progress of the Friendship Towns Petition.

    GDHS Department has been ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Poor performance: Limpopo Provincial Department of Human Settlement briefing
    23 Oct 2018

    The Committee was briefed by the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), Limpopo, on their performance during the 2017/18 financial year.

    The Department highlighted their main challenges and said interventions had been put in place to address them. These challenges were the reallocation of projects without ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation NHFC, NURCHA, RHLF, SHRA, NHBRC, HDA, CSOS 2017/18 Annual Reports, with Deputy Minister
    10 Oct 2018

    Annual Reports 2017/18

    Six of the seven housing entities presented their Annual Reports: National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC); National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency (NURCHA); Rural Housing Loan Fund (RHLF); Social Housing Regulatory Authority (SHRA); National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC); Housing Development Agency (HDA); and Community Schemes Ombud Services ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Department of Human Settlements 2017/18 Annual Report, with AGSA & DPME and Minister & Deputy Minister present
    9 Oct 2018

    Annual Reports 2017/18 

    The Department of Human Settlements presented its 2017/18 Annual Report. Prior to the briefing the Office of the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) presented on the audit outcome and the performance of the housing portfolio respectively. ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Property Practitioner Bill [B21-2018]: stakeholder engagement
    4 Sep 2018

    The Committee received comments and recommendations from 12 organisations involved in the South African property industry on the proposals contained in the Property Practitioners Bill.

    The Mortgage Origination Council of South Africa (MORCSA) submitted that they were regulated by the Financial Sector Regulation Act (FRSA). If the Bill was enacted ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Department of Human Settlements Quarter 1 performance; North West Department recovery plan; with Minister
    28 Aug 2018

    The Department of Human Settlements (DHS) appeared before the Portfolio Committee to present its first quarter performance and expenditure report. The Minister said her Department was painfully aware of the important task they were entrusted with, of building houses for all South Africans. The Department had to improve all the time. The ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Property Practitioners Bill: briefing
    26 Jun 2018

    The Property Practitioners Bill aims to repeal the outdated Estate Agents Affairs Act of 1976 which did not cohere with current legislation. There were currently many barriers in place preventing the demographic of real estate agents to reflect the demographics of the country. The National Department of Human Settlements (NDHS) ...

  • Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Human Settlements Quarter 4 performance; Urban Settlements Development Grant: Joburg & Gauteng performance; with Deputy Minister
    5 Jun 2018

    This meeting of the Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements was attended by the Deputy Minister, Ms Zoe Kota-Fredericks. The National Department of Human Settlements, the Provincial Department on Human Settlements and the City of Johannesburg presented their briefings before Parliament went on recess until 13 August 2018. All three reports ...