Ms Nomalungelo Gina

Politician Profile Page

Nomalungelo Gina

About Nomalungelo Gina

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Basic Education Examination Readiness 2018: Department and Umalusi briefing
    9 Oct 2018

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) and Umalusi briefed the Committee on their state of readiness for the 2018 examinations. The DBE’s presentation was in two parts. The first part dealt with learner readiness for the 2018 examinations. A lot of focus has been put into getting learners ready for ...

  • Basic Education Schools for the Deaf: DEAFSA; DBE; UMALUSI; Principals Organisation roundtable
    12 Sep 2018

    This was a roundtable meeting where stakeholders in deaf education were given a chance to express their grievances and achievements with regard to deaf education in South Africa. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) attended in order to report on its involvement in the process thus far.

    DeafSA said education ...

  • Basic Education Department of Basic Education Quarter 1 performance
    4 Sep 2018

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) present the First Quarterly Report on its performance in meeting its strategic objectives for 2018/19. It highlighted its performance outputs against the planned targets in the Annual Performance Plan and its Quarter 1 expenditure for 2018/19.

    • The Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill task ...

  • Basic Education History as a compulsory subject; Rural Education Draft Policy: with Deputy Minister
    21 Aug 2018

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) met with the Portfolio Committee to discuss the proposed introduction of history as a compulsory school subject, and also presented its proposals for a draft rural education policy.

    The Deputy Minister said the approach and value sought from history being taught was to create ...

  • Basic Education Department of Basic Education Quarter 4 performance
    5 Jun 2018

    The Department on Basic Education (DBE) met with the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education to present itas fourth quarterly report for the 2017/2018 financial year. DBE reflected on the fourth quarter outputs achieved in comparison to the planned targets of the pre-determined objectives for the year; as well as the ...

  • Basic Education Safety in Schools; ETDP-SETA collaboration with Department
    22 May 2018

    Equal Education presented their submission on safety at schools, and focused their presentation on the research that they had conducted on school safety and school violence, which showed that one in five learners were victims of violence each year. It had come before the Committee because it was of the ...

  • Basic Education Violence Against Children: Save the Children SA briefing
    15 May 2018

    Save the Children told the Committee it believed that every child deserved a future, and that the organisation provide children with a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn, and protection from harm. It had offices in five provinces -- Gauteng, KZN, Limpopo, Mpumalanga (partly) and the Free State. ...

  • Basic Education Three-Stream Model; Fourth Industrial Revolution: Department progress report
    8 May 2018

    The Department of Basic Education (DBE) presented its plans for the implementation of a three-stream model in the South Africa curriculum, and how it was gearing the school system up to deal with the technological challenges of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

    Historically, the South African education system had focused mainly ...

  • Basic Education Committee Report on Basic Education Budget
    2 May 2018

    PMG did not attend the meeting, Minutes from Parliament bellow.

    Draft Minutes of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education


    Date                 :           2 May 2018

    Time                 :           09:30

    Venue              :           Committee Room V226, 2nd Floor, Old Assembly Wing, Parliament

    Agenda            :           Consideration and Adoption of Committee Report on Budget Vote ...

  • Basic Education Edenvale Residents petition about lack of schools
    18 Apr 2018

    The Committee heard and interacted with the Greenstone Petition from the residents of Greenstone. Mr M Waters (DA) was the petitioner on behalf of the residents of Greenstone. The Member of the Executive Council was in attendance.

    The Department responded to the Petition and answered questions. The areas of concern ...