Ms Nontando Nolutshungu

Politician Profile Page

Nontando Nolutshungu

About Nontando Nolutshungu

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Transport Autopax & Intersite 2018/19 Annual Reports
    8 Oct 2019

    Annual Reports 2018/2019

    The Committee met to discuss the audit outcomes and annual performance reports of Autopax and Intersite, subsidiary entities of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA). It felt that Intersite provided little information on its performance targets, and also inquired about the process of consolidation between ...

  • Transport Third term Committee programme
    17 Sep 2019

    The Committee met to consider its report on the 2018/19 fourth quarter performance and 2019/20 first quarter performance of the Department of Transport but decided to defer the report until the Committee went through the annual budget review process and had further engagement with the Department as many of the ...

  • Transport Second Term Committee Programme
    25 Jul 2019

    The Portfolio Committee on Transport considered and adopted its second term Draft Committee Programme. Members suggested they would like the Department to brief the Committee on its mandate and historical achievements, including those of its entities, when it engages the Committee on its 2018/19 fourth quarter expenditure and first quarter ...

  • Transport Department of Transport budget: Committee Report
    4 Jul 2019

    The Content advisor presented on the Draft Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport on Budget Vote 35. The sections presented on included the Committee Observations and Recommendations as discussed in a previous meeting.

    Several comments, questions, recommendations and concerns were raised by the Committee, especially with regards to the ...

  • Transport Department of Transport 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan
    3 Jul 2019

    The Committee met with the Department for a briefing on the 2019/20 Budget and Annual Performance Plan (APP). Preceding the presentation from the Department, the Committee Researcher highlighted key issues for consideration by the Committee in relation to the Department’s performance.

    The Committee Researcher, in highlighting key areas for consideration ...

  • Transport Election of Committee Chairperson
    2 Jul 2019

    The Committee held its first meeting of the sixth term of Parliament to elect its Chairperson.

    The Committee Secretary called for nominations for the position of Chairperson from Members. A DA Member nominated Mr C Hunsinger (DA) for the position. An ANC Member nominated Mr M Zwane (ANC) for the ...

  • Transport Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (C-BRTA) governance
    4 Dec 2018

    The Committee met with the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (CBRTA) to hear about matters pertaining to governance in the Agency, particularly at the Board level. The chairperson and chief executive officer (CEO) had come before the Committee in October 2018 to present the annual report of the Agency, and at ...

  • Higher Education National Qualifications Framework Amendment Bill: consideration
    8 Nov 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training met to consider and revert back to a decision on the referral of qualification or part-qualification to the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) for verification and evaluation. The legal team presented its input on Clause 32 (1) 9a) (b) and (c) and ...

  • Transport Road Accident Benefit Scheme Bill: deliberations
    31 Oct 2018

    The Committee approved the drafting of the amendments it proposed in the 30 October meeting. The Committee would consider the Bill and approve it the following week. Thereafter it would begin to process the Airports Company Amendment Bill and the Air Traffic and Navigation Services Amendment Bill.

  • Higher Education Committee reports
    31 Oct 2018

    The meeting began with the Members proposing several stylistic suggestions and pointing out multiple grammatical errors within the content of the report. Cognisant of time, it was suggested that there should be a Parliamentary unit established for the primary mandate of proofreading and editing the reports after they have been ...