Oscar Masarona Mathafa

Politician Profile Page

Oscar Masarona Mathafa

About Oscar Masarona Mathafa

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Special Appropriation Bill: National Treasury on Eskom conditions; FFC submission on 2020-21 Division of Revenue
    9 Oct 2019

    The Standing and Select Committees on Appropriations met for a briefing by the National Treasury on conditions attached to the Eskom Special Appropriation Bill. The Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) also gave a briefing on its submission on the 2020-2021 Division of Revenue.

    The National Treasury, during its presentation on ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019]: deliberations
    18 Sep 2019

    The Committee reviewed the Draft Report on the 2019 Special Appropriations Bill in a page by page fashion. In its deliberations on the oral and written submissions on the Special Appropriation Bill, the Committee was in agreement that stringent conditions had to be attached to the transfer of funds to Eskom. ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019]: DA’s proposed amendments; Proposed oversight visit
    17 Sep 2019

    Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations met to discuss the DA’s proposal regarding the Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019] for Eskom and the Committee’s forthcoming oversight visit proposed programme.

    The Committee grappled with the issue of a non-party-political space such as Parliamentary Committees being ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019]: public hearings
    11 Sep 2019

    The joint Standing and Select Committees on Appropriations heard a wide range of views from three organisations -- the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA), the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the Alternative Information Development Centre (AIDC) -- on the impending promulgation of the Special Appropriations Bill, which ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019]: Department of Public Enterprises and Eskom briefings; with Minister
    10 Sep 2019

    The Minister said Eskom was a vital utility and crucial to the economy. It had been the target of state capture, and damage had been done to it. There had now been a two year period of recovery in the areas of governance, finance and operations, but the company was ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Special Appropriation Bill [B10-2019]: Parliamentary Budget Office briefing
    4 Sep 2019

    The Committee met to receive a briefing from the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) on the Special Appropriations Bill for cash injection into Eskom.

    The PBO highlighted that Eskom’s debt-reliant liquidity situation was the result of decline in sales volumes; the cost of primary energy; high debt service costs; high employee ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Eskom's Special Appropriation Bill: FFC submission
    3 Sep 2019

    The Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) commented on the 2019 Special Appropriation Bill, noting Eskom’s dire financial situation and government intervention strategies, and gave turnaround suggestions.

    The key issues that had been raised were around corruption and incompetence within Eskom, the privatisation of Eskom and the juxtaposition between historical Eskom ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations National Treasury Quarter 1 performance; Parliamentary Budget Office on its Quarterly Economic Brief and analysis NDP Outcome 6
    27 Aug 2019

    The Committee was informed by National Treasury (NT) of the quarterly expenditures by national departments and their entities, indicating those that had overspent and underspent and the ways that Treasury had tried to intervene. Of great concern was that most departments had underspent their budgets, because if money was available ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations National Treasury briefing: Members’ Orientation
    21 Aug 2019

    The Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCoA) hosted an induction session with the National Treasury. The Committee was briefed on various structural aspects of public finance, state owned entities and state owned companies.

    Highlights included the questioning of the allocation of national revenue to provincial and local government (which it did ...

  • Standing Committee on Appropriations Financial and Fiscal Commission briefing: Members' Orientation
    20 Aug 2019

    The Financial and Fiscal Commission ( FFC) conducted a workshop for the Appropriations Committee to assist it in exercising and improving legislative oversight over government institutions. The presentation answered a wide range of questions that were posed by Members of the Committee, such as how to improve fiscal oversight over ...