Mr Patrick George Atkinson

Politician Profile Page

Patrick George Atkinson

About Patrick George Atkinson

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Economic Development Committee Report on Economic Development Budget
    18 May 2017

    The Committee met to deliberate on its Report on the Department of Economic Development’s Budget Vote.

    Members mostly fixed a number of grammatical errors in the Report and agreed to remove paragraph 4.3 in the interim and interrogate it later.

    The Committee decided to meet after the sitting on Tuesday, ...

  • Economic Development Economic Development Department & Industrial Development Corporation on their Annual Performance Plans, with Minister & Deputy
    9 May 2017

    The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) presented its Corporate Plan and shared some deep concerns about the current economic conditions as influenced by the credit rating downgrade and how the junk status will affect the Corporation’s ability to disburse funding to its clients. In light of the current economic conditions, the ...

  • Economic Development Competition Commission, Competition Tribunal & ITAC Annual Performance Plan
    3 May 2017

    The Competition Commission presented its Annual Performance Plan 2017/18, inclusive of 35 targets within its nine programmes and a budget allocation of R340.525 million. Human resource capacity was to increase with the recruitment of 100 more people. Seven sectors were enlisted as Priority Sectors, of which the Commission noted the ...

  • Economic Development Economic Development Department on its Third Quarter Performance, with Minister & Deputy in attendance
    28 Feb 2017

    The Minister reported an unemployment rate of 26.7%, this is 0.6 percentage points lower than the 27.1% of Quarter 2, 2016. The labour force increased by 143 000. 235 000 jobs were created in Q3:127 000 were formal non-agriculture jobs, 53 000 informal non-agriculture, 38 000 in agriculture and 17 ...

  • Economic Development Banks forex collusion; auto sector 'after market': Competition Commission briefing
    21 Feb 2017

    The Competition Commissioner gave a briefing on the exchange rate/currency trade collusion investigation. The investigation emanated from information that was already in the public domain as well as investigations that were ongoing in Europe, UK and the US on the subject matter. The Commission received some information from various sources ...

  • Economic Development Skills Development For A Growing Economy: DHET briefing
    14 Feb 2017

    The DHET briefed the Committee on its programmes for skills development in SA. The majority of funding disbursed is awarded to the 26 universities in the country, followed by the 50 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges and 9 Community Education and Training (CET) colleges. The CET colleges ...

  • Economic Development Competition Commission legislation implementation challenges
    29 Nov 2016

    The Competition Commission said the vision of the Commission was the attainment of a growing and inclusive economy that served all South Africans through the Commission’s three core functions of enforcement, merger regulation and advocacy. The challenges to cartel enforcement were excessive litigation on technical grounds in the form of ...

  • Economic Development Minister of Economic Development on Quarter 2 Performance
    15 Nov 2016

    The Minister stated that growth rates on the African continent were faster than global average since 2000, driven by an expanding demand for commodities, rising urbanisation and growing investment levels. However, African growth is now slowing sharply. South Africa’s growth will be affected by weaker continental growth. Total trade between ...

  • Economic Development New Growth Path: response to questions by Minister of Economic Development
    8 Nov 2016

    The Minister responded in detail to questions asked by members at the 25 October meeting. His responses highlighted that in unlocking investment it is important that the country focus on the political economy, market opportunity, access to infrastructure, regulatory efficiency, skills availability, and competitiveness and inclusion. The Minister noted that ...

  • Economic Development Committee minutes
    1 Nov 2016

    Draft Minutes of the Portfolio Committee, 08 March 2016
    Draft Minutes of the Portfolio Committee, 15 March 2016
    Draft Minutes of the Portfolio Committee, 05 April 2016
    Draft Minutes of the Portfolio Committee, 12 April 2016
    Draft Minutes of the Portfolio Committee, 23 August 2016
    Draft Minutes of the ...