Mr Sahlulele Luzipo

Politician Profile Page

Sahlulele Luzipo

About Sahlulele Luzipo

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Optimum Mine: Minister, DMR, NUM & business rescue progress reports
    7 Mar 2018

    This was a follow up meeting with the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) to discuss the industrial action, non-payment of workers’ salaries and the placing of Optimum Coal Mine under business rescue. At the previous meeting, the Committee had expressed dissatisfaction with the low-level DMR delegation attending the meeting who ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Optimum Coal Mine latest developments
    28 Feb 2018

    This meeting was called upon the request of the National Union of Mine Workers - Optimum Mine branch. There was a strike at Optimum Coal Mine in Mpumalanga following the failure of the mine to pay the workers’ salaries. The management at Optimum Mine declined the invitation to attend the ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Non-attendance by Minister of Mineral Resources; Decision on Inquiry into state capture
    21 Feb 2018

    The Portfolio Committee on Minerals Resources met in order to question the Minister of Mineral Resources about his possible involvement in State Capture. However, two days previously the Chairperson had received a letter stating that the Minister would be unavailable to appear before the Committee. In response to the Chairperson’s ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources State Capture: way forward; Mine lung diseases & silicosis class action cases: political intervention
    29 Nov 2017

    The Department of Mineral Resources, led by the Deputy Minister, briefed the Committee on the political interventions on the mine lung diseases and silicosis class action cases.

    The Deputy Minister said South Africa was a strong mining country, but mining had also been damaging to the environment and had left ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Lung Diseases on Mines and silicosis class action cases: ex-mineworkers lawyers briefing
    22 Nov 2017

    The Committee received briefings from legal firms involved in the class action cases dealing with lung diseases and silicosis suffered by former miners, as well as submissions from representatives of mining houses, the Chamber of Mines, the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) and the national Department of Health (DoH).   ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources DMR mine evaluation and licensing challenges; Council for Geosciences mineral resource mapping challenges
    15 Nov 2017

    The Committee received briefings from the Council on Geological Sciences (CGS) on the effect of reduced funding in limiting its capacity to produce high resolution geophysical and geochemical data in its geological mapping on the country, and from the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) on progress made in meeting the ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Committee report on Gauteng oversight
    8 Nov 2017

    The main agenda items for the meeting contained two issues - the Committee report on its oversight visit to Gauteng and the response from the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) regarding the Minister’s availability to respond to the Committee on the Allegations of State Capture.

    The Gauteng oversight visit was ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Allegations against Minister of Mineral Resources: Legal Advisor on way forward
    1 Nov 2017

    Documents Handed Out: Parliamentary Legal Advisor opinion on "leaked emails" issue to Public Enterprises. (Handed out only to Committee Members)

    The main agenda item for the meeting was the further Committee deliberations on media allegations on “state capture” that involved the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mr Mosebenzi Zwane, who was supposed to ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Mine Closure and Rehabilitation: Centre for Environmental Rights briefing
    25 Oct 2017

    The Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) on mine closures and rehabilitation and what could be done to address some of the associated problems. The main thrust of the briefing was the failure of mine closure and rehabilitation in SA. The process was poorly managed and resulted in severe problems for ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources State Capture Allegations: responses by Minister of Mineral Resources
    18 Oct 2017

    The House Chairperson of Committees, Mr Cedric Frolick, had issued a directive to the Committee to summon the Minister of Mineral Resources, Mosebenzi Zwane, to respond to the allegations of State Capture. The Minister was not pleased by this act because he said he has always availed himself to Parliament ...