Valentia Thokozile Malinga

Politician Profile Page

Valentia Thokozile Malinga

About Valentia Thokozile Malinga

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Stakeholder Engagement: SAMDA, CSIR, Minerals Council & SAPIA am
    21 Aug 2019

    The South African Mining Development Association (SAMDA) stated that historically mining in Southern Africa was exploitative. Foreign companies mined the minerals, made massive amounts of money, but paid nothing back in royalties to the communities within which they operated. In the 25 years since democracy, a new mining law, the ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Stakeholder Engagement with Trade Unions: NUM, UASA, Solidarity; CEPPWAWU
    20 Aug 2019

    The Committee engaged with various trade unions in the Mineral Resource and Energy sectors. Each union told the Committee about the sector strengths, opportunities, and weaknesses and remedial measures to mitigate identified risks.

    The unions noted that the Energy and Mining industries play a vital role in job creation and ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Mineral Resources and Energy Budgets: Committee Reports
    5 Jul 2019

    Available here once adopted: BRRR 2019 

    The Committee met to consider Reports on the Budget Votes of the Departments of Mineral Resources and Energy.

    Report on Budget Vote of the Department of Mineral Resources

    As part of the Committee’s observations and recommendations, the Department should devise a plan that ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Departments of Mineral Resources and Energy 2019/20 Annual Performance Plans, with Minister & Deputy Minister
    3 Jul 2019

    The Departments of Mineral Resources and Energy briefed the Committee on their Annual Performance Plans (APPs) and budgets for the 2019/20 financial year.

    The Chairperson pointed out that the Committee was dealing with two former departments which were now being combined into one, and it was still trying to find ...

  • Mineral and Petroleum Resources Departments of Mineral and Energy 2019/20 Annual Performance Plans: Committee staff briefing and analysis
    2 Jul 2019

    The Committee convened to receive briefings on the analysis of the budget votes of the Departments of Mineral Resources and Energy. Although the two departments had been merged, the budget votes were still separate.

    In the analysis of the Department of Mineral Resources, Members were told that the mining industry ...

  • Public Enterprises Election of Chairperson; Committee programme
    2 Jul 2019

    The Committee elected Mr Magaxa as Chairperson for the 6th Parliament.

    The Committee considered and adopted its programme.