Mr Timothy James Brauteseth

Politician Profile Page

Timothy James Brauteseth

About Timothy James Brauteseth

Committee Meetings Attended

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Committee Report on Parliament’s Q4 2022/23 Performance; Study Tour Report; Committee Programme
    15 Jun 2023


    Tabled Committee Reports

    The Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament discussed its study visit to France and Belgium in an effort to increase its involvement in the budget process and learn how to rebuild Parliament.

    The goal of the study was to collaborate with their international ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Copyright & Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills: Negotiating Mandates (continuation)
    14 Jun 2023


    The Select Committee met on a virtual platform to continue hearing responses to provinces’ negotiating mandates for Clauses 10 to 23 of the Copyright Amendment Bill from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC). Legal advice was provided by Parliament's Constitutional and Legal Services Office (CLSO). The provinces ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Copyright Amendment Bill: Voting on Negotiating Mandates
    13 Jun 2023


    The Select Committee met on the virtual platform to deliberate and vote on the provincial negotiating mandates concerning the Copyright Amendment Bill. The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition and Parliament's Constitutional and Legal Services Office (CLSO) were on the platform as well to provide their responses to the ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency Economic Regulation of Transport Bill: consideration of public submissions
    7 Jun 2023


    In a virtual meeting, the Select Committee considered the oral and written submissions on the Economic Regulation of Transport (ERT) Bill [B 1B-20]. After an overview of the written submissions by the Committee content advisor, it received presentations from the South African Bus Operators Association, joint submissions from the ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Copyright & Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills: DTIC & CLSO response to Negotiating Mandates (continuation)
    6 Jun 2023


    The Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment, and Labour met on a virtual platform to consider the responses of the parliamentary Constitutional and Legal Services Office and the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition to the provincial negotiating mandates in respect of ...

  • NCOP Public Infrastructure & Minister in the Presidency National Road Traffic A/B & National Land Transport A/B: Public Hearings
    31 May 2023


    The Committee convened to consider oral and written submissions on the amendment of the National Road Traffic Amendment Bill and the National Land Transport Amendment Bill. The South African Medical Research Council, the Congress of South African Trade Unions, and the South African Local Government Association made oral presentations. ...

  • NCOP Economic Development & Trade Copyright & Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills: DTIC & CLSO response to Negotiating Mandates
    30 May 2023

    The Select Committee met in-person to hear the responses prepared by Parliament’s Constitutional and Legal Services Office (CLSO) and the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) on the Performers' Protection Amendment Bill and Copyright Amendment Bill provincial mandates.

    It was noted that there might be the possibility of inserting the ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Interventions to broaden public participation in Parliament
    26 May 2023


    The Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament met on a virtual platform to receive a comprehensive briefing on the interventions to expand public participation by Parliament’s executive administration.

    During the engagement, the Committee emphasised the importance of public involvement in Parliament’s business and helping the public ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Parliament’s 2023/24 Annual Performance Plan & 2022/23 Q4 Performance
    19 May 2023


    The Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament met on the virtual platform to receive a briefing from the executive of Parliament, on Parliament’s fourth quarter performance as well as its budget and Annual Performance Plan (APP) for 2023/24.

    After the executive had concluded its briefings, Members enquired ...

  • Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament Fire at Parliament: Restoration; Upgrading & Sites to Accommodate MPs and Employees
    12 May 2023

    Video (Part 1)

    Video (Part 2)

    The Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament convened in person to discuss the progress on restoring buildings affected by the January 2022 fire on the precinct. The Committee also had a site visit to the affected buildings. The Speaker of the National ...